Revelation 11:1

A REED (καλαμος). Old word for a growing reed (Matthew 11:7) which grew in immense brakes in the Jordan valley, a writer's reed (3 John 1:7), a measuring-rod (here, Revelation 21:15; Ezekiel 40:3-6; Ezekiel 42:16-19).LIKE A ROD (ομοιος ραβδω). See Revelation 2:27; Mark 6:8 for ραβδος.AND ONE SA... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:2

THE COURT (την αυλην). The uncovered yard outside the house. There were usually two, one between the door and the street, the outer court, the other the inner court surrounded by the buildings (Mark 14:66). This is here the outer court, "which is without the temple" (την εξωθεν του ναου), outside... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:3

I WILL GIVE (δωσω). Future active of διδωμ. The speaker may be God (Beckwith) or Christ (Swete) as in Revelation 2:13; Revelation 21:6 or his angel representative (Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12). The idiom that follows is Hebraic instead of either the infinitive after διδωμ as in Revelation 2:... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:4

THE TWO OLIVE TREES (α δυο ελαια). The article seems to point to what is known. For this original use of ελαια see Romans 11:17; Romans 11:24. In Zechariah 4:2; Zechariah 4:3; Zechariah 4:14 the lampstand or candlestick (λυχνια) is Israel, and the two olive trees apparently Joshua and Zerubbabel,... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:5

IF ANY MAN DESIRETH TO HURT THEM (ε τις αυτους θελε αδικησα). Condition of first class, assumed to be true, with ε and present active indicative (θελε) "if any one wants to hurt" (αδικησα first aorist active infinitive). It is impossible to hurt these two witnesses till they do their work. The fi... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:6

TO SHUT THE HEAVEN (κλεισα τον ουρανον). First aorist active infinitive of κλειω. As Elijah did by prayer (1 Kings 17:1; Luke 4:25; James 5:17).THAT IT RAIN NOT (ινα μη υετος βρεχη). Sub-final use of ινα μη with the present active subjunctive of βρεχω, old verb to rain (Matthew 5:45), here with... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:7

WHEN THEY SHALL HAVE FINISHED (οταν τελεσωσιν). Merely the first aorist active subjunctive of τελεω with οταν in an indefinite temporal clause with no _futurum exactum_ (future perfect), "whenever they finish."THE BEAST (το θηριον). "The wild beast comes out of the abyss" of Revelation 9:1. He r... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:8

THEIR DEAD BODIES LIE (το πτωμα αυτων). Old word from πιπτω (to fall), a fall, especially of bodies slain in battle, a corpse, a carcase (Matthew 14:12), here the singular (some MSS. πτωματα, plural) as belonging to each of the αυτων (their) like στοματος αυτων (their mouth) in verse Revelation 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:9

MEN FROM AMONG (εκ τÂων etc.). No word for "men" (ανθρÂωπο or πολλο) before εκ τÂων, but it is implied (partitive use of εκ) as in Revelation 2:10 and often. See also Revelation 5:9; Revelation 7:9 for this enumeration of races and nations.DO LOOK UPON (βλεπουσιν). Present (vivid dramatic) acti... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:10

THEY THAT DWELL UPON THE EARTH (ο κατοικουντες επ της γης). Present active articular participle of κατοικεω, "an Apocalyptic formula" (Swete) for the non-Christian world (Revelation 3:10; Revelation 6:10; Revelation 8:13; Revelation 13:8; Revelation 13:12; Revelation 13:14; Revelation 17:8).REJOI... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:11

AFTER THE (μετα τας etc.). The article τας (the) points back to Revelation 11:9.THE BREATH OF LIFE FROM GOD (πνευμα ζωης εκ του θεου). This phrase (πνευμα ζωης) occurs in Genesis 6:17; Genesis 7:15; Genesis 7:22 of the lower animals, but here there is clearly an allusion to Ezekiel 37:5; Ezekiel... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:12

SAYING (λεγουσης). Present active predicate participle of λεγω, feminine genitive agreeing with φωνης, though some MSS. have the accusative φωνην λεγουσαν, either construction being proper after ηκουσαν (they heard). There is a little evidence for ηκουσα like Revelation 12:10 (24 times in the boo... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:13

THERE WAS (εγενετο). "There came to pass" (second aorist middle indicative of γινομα). Earthquakes are often given as a symbol of great upheavals in social and spiritual order (Swete) as in Ezekiel 37:7; Ezekiel 38:19; Haggai 2:6; Mark 13:8; Hebrews 12:26; Revelation 6:12; Revelation 16:18.FELL... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:14

IS PAST (απηλθεν). Second aorist active indicative of απερχομα. See Revelation 9:12 for this use and Revelation 21:1; Revelation 21:4. The second woe (η ουα η δευτερα) is the sixth trumpet (Revelation 9:12) with the two episodes attached (Revelation 10:1-11).THE THIRD WOE (η ουα η τριτη, feminin... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:15

THERE FOLLOWED (εγενοντο). "There came to pass." There was silence in heaven upon the opening of the seventh seal (Revelation 8:1), but here "great voices." Perhaps the great voices are the ζωα of Revelation 4:6; Revelation 5:8.SAYING (λεγοντες). Construction according to sense; λεγοντες, mascu... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:16

THE FOUR AND TWENTY ELDERS (ο εικοσ τεσσαρες πρεσβυτερο). They follow the living creatures (verse Revelation 11:15, if correctly interpreted) in their adoration, as in Revelation 4:9. Though seated on thrones of their own (Revelation 4:4), yet they fall upon their faces in every act of worship to... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:17

O LORD GOD (Κυριε ο θεος). Vocative form κυριε and nominative form ο θεος (vocative in use). See Revelation 1:8; Revelation 4:8 for this combination with ο παντοκρατωρ (the Almighty). For ο ων κα ο ην (which art and which wast) see Revelation 1:4; Revelation 1:8; Revelation 4:8; Revelation 16:5.T... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:18

WERE WROTH (ωργισθησαν). Ingressive first aorist active indicative of οργιζομα, "became angry." The culmination of wrath against God (Revelation 16:13; Revelation 20:8). Cf. Psalms 2:1; Psalms 2:5; Psalms 2:12; Psalms 99:1; Acts 4:25. John sees the hostility of the world against Christ.THY WRATH... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:19

WAS OPENED (ηνοιγη). Second aorist passive indicative of ανοιγω, with augment on the preposition as in Revelation 15:5. For the sanctuary (ναος) of God in heaven see Revelation 3:12; Revelation 7:15; Revelation 15:5; Revelation 21:22.WAS SEEN (ωφθη). First aorist passive indicative of οραω.THE... [ Continue Reading ]

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