Revelation 15:1

ANOTHER SIGN IN HEAVEN (αλλο σημειον εν τω ουρανω). Looking back to Revelation 12:1; Revelation 12:3, after the series intervening. The Seven Bowls are parallel with the Seven Seals (ch. Revelation 15:6) and the Seven Trumpets (Chapter s Revelation 15:8-11), but there is an even closer connection... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 15:2

AS IT WERE A GLASSY SEA (ως θαλασσαν υαλινην). Accusative case after ειδον and ως here, not in Revelation 4:6, which see for the symbol.MINGLED WITH FIRE (μεμιγμενην πυρ). Perfect passive participle of μιγνυμ, to mix, and the associative instrumental case πυρ. This item not in Revelation 4:6 (a... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 15:3

THE SONG OF MOSES (την ωιδην του Μωυσεως). Exodus 14:31; Exodus 15:1-19. A song of victory like that of Moses after crossing the Red Sea.AND THE SONG OF THE LAMB (την ωιδην του αρνιου). A separate note of victory like that of Moses, though one song, not two. Charles finds it impossible to reconc... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 15:4

WHO SHALL NOT FEAR? (τις ου μη φοβηθηι;). Rhetorical question with ου μη (double negative) and first aorist passive subjunctive of φοβεομα future passive in Jeremiah 10:7).AND GLORIFY (κα δοξασε). Change here to the future indicative instead of the aorist subjunctive, as often. Cf. Psalms 86:9.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 15:5

THE TEMPLE OF THE TABERNACLE OF THE TESTIMONY (ο ναος της σκηνης του μαρτυριου). Charles calls this "strange" language. Probably the tabernacle or tent of witness (Numbers 9:15; Numbers 17:7) is in mind and the tent of meeting (Exodus 27:21 rather than the temple in Jerusalem.WAS OPENED (ηνοιγη)... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 15:6

THERE CAME OUT (εξηλθαν). Second aorist active indicative of εξερχομα with -αν rather than -ον. Proleptic and prophetic aorist.THE SEVEN ANGELS (ο επτα αγγελο). Those in verse Revelation 15:1.THE SEVEN PLAGUES (τας επτα πληγας). The bowls are not given them till verse Revelation 15:7.ARRAYED... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 15:7

SEVEN GOLDEN BOWLS (επτα φιαλας χρυσας). Golden saucers, but not full of incense as in Revelation 5:8, but "full (γεμουσας for which see Revelation 5:8) of the wrath of God who liveth for ever and ever" (του θυμου του θεου του ζωντος εις τους αιωνας των αιωνων). Portents of dreadful events.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 15:8

WAS FILLED WITH SMOKE (εγεμισθη καπνου). First aorist passive indicative of γεμιζω (from γεμω), to fill full, and with the genitive καπνου (smoke). Smoke is here the symbol of God's presence (Exodus 19:18; Isaiah 6:5).TILL SHOULD BE FINISHED (αχρ τελεσθωσιν). Temporal clause for future time wit... [ Continue Reading ]

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