Who shall not fear?

(τις ου μη φοβηθηι;). Rhetorical question with ου μη (double negative) and first aorist passive subjunctive of φοβεομα future passive in Jeremiah 10:7).And glorify

(κα δοξασε). Change here to the future indicative instead of the aorist subjunctive, as often. Cf. Psalms 86:9.Thou only art holy

(μονος οσιος). Both predicate adjectives, "Thou art alone holy." God alone is perfectly holy (Revelation 16:5).Shall come

(ηξουσιν). Future active of ηκω.And worship

(κα προσκυνησουσιν). Future active of προσκυνεω. Both from Psalms 86:9.Have been made manifest

(εφανερωθησαν). Prophetic first aorist passive indicative of φανεροω. This martyr's song has the ring of great poetry.

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Old Testament