Revelation 17:1

I WILL SHOW THEE (δειξω σο). Future active of δεικνυμ. It is fitting that one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls should explain the judgment on Babylon (Revelation 16:19) already pronounced (Revelation 14:8). That is now done in Chapter s Revelation 17:17; Revelation 17:18.THE JUDGMENT... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:2

THE KINGS OF THE EARTH (ο βασιλεις της γης). Repeated in Revelation 1:5; Revelation 6:15; Revelation 17:18; Revelation 18:3; Revelation 18:9; Revelation 19:19; Revelation 21:24 and "the kings of the inhabited earth" (Revelation 16:14) either for... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:3

HE CARRIED ME AWAY (απηνεγκεν με). Second aorist active indicative of αποφερω, to bear away, prophetic aorist. This verb is used of angels at death (Luke 16:22) or in an ecstasy (Revelation 21:10 and here).IN THE SPIRIT (εν πνευματ). Probably his own spirit, though the Holy Spirit is possible (R... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:4

WAS ARRAYED (ην περιβεβλημενη). Periphrastic past perfect indicative of περιβαλλω, to fling round one.IN PURPLE AND SCARLET (πορφυρουν κα κοκκινον). Accusative retained after this passive verb of clothing, as so often. Πορφυρους is old adjective for purple (from πορφυρα), in N.T. only here and... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:5

UPON HER FOREHEAD A NAME WRITTEN (επ το μετωπον αυτης ονομα γεγραμμενον). Roman harlots wore a label with their names on their brows (Seneca, _Rhet_. I. 2. 7; Juvenal VI. 122f.), and so here. In Revelation 19:16 Christ has a name on his garments and on his thigh, while in Revelation 14:1; Revelat... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:6

DRUNKEN WITH THE BLOOD OF THE SAINTS (μεθυουσαν εκ του αιματος των αγιων). Present active feminine accusative singular participle of μεθυω, old verb, to be drunk (Matthew 24:49).OF THE MARTYRS OF JESUS (των μαρτυρων Ιησου). "Witnesses" (Revelation 2:13) for Jesus (objective genitive) unto blood... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:7

I WILL TELL THEE THE MYSTERY (εγω ερω σο το μυστηριον). The angel gives his interpretation of the woman and the beast (Revelation 17:7-18). Ερω is the future active of ειπον (defective verb), to tell, to say.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:8

WAS AND IS NOT (ην κα ουκ εστιν). Imperfect and present of ειμ, an apparent antithesis to ο ην κα ο ων of Revelation 1:4. This is a picture of the beast of Revelation 13:1 which the woman is riding, but no longer just the empire, but one of the emperors who died (ουκ εστιν, is not).AND IS ABOUT T... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:9

HERE IS THE MIND WHICH HATH WISDOM (Hωδε ο νους ο εχων σοφιαν). "Here is the intelligence which has wisdom" (Charles). A variation of Revelation 13:18, but the same idea.SEVEN MOUNTAINS (επτα ορη). Rome was known as the city on seven hills (Vergil, Horace, Ovid, Cicero, etc.).ON WHICH (οπου--... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:10

SEVEN KINGS (βασιλεις επτα). This is another change in the symbolism. The identification of these seven kings is one of the puzzles of the book.THE FIVE ARE FALLEN (ο πεντε επεσαν). Second aorist active indicative of πιπτω with the -αν ending. Common for the downfall of kings (Ezekiel 29:5; Eze... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:11

IS HIMSELF ALSO AN EIGHTH AND IS OF THE SEVEN (κα αυτος ογδοος κα εκ των επτα). This is the angel's interpretation and it looks like a reference to Domitian as the eighth, who is regarded as one of the seven because he was considered a second Nero (Nero _redivivus_). For εκ των επτα see Acts 21:8... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:12

WHICH HAVE RECEIVED NO KINGDOM AS YET (οιτινες βασιλειαν ουπω ελαβον). Second aorist (proleptic and prophetic) active indicative of λαμβανω. The heads are emperors and the horns are kings (both called βασιλεις).AS KINGS (ως βασιλεις). Compared to kings (see ως in Revelation 1:10; Revelation 4:6;... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:13

HAVE ONE MIND (μιαν γνωμην εχουσιν). "One purpose" (γνωμη from γινωσκω) as in Acts 20:3; 1 Corinthians 1:10. The new powers are allies of the beast.THEY GIVE THEIR POWER AND AUTHORITY UNTO THE BEAST (την δυναμιν κα την εξουσιαν αυτων τω θηριω διδοασιν). Present active indicative of διδωμ. Just... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:14

THESE (ουτο). These ten kings.SHALL WAR AGAINST THE LAMB (μετα του θηριου πολεμησουσιν). Future active of πολεμεο, to war. As allies of the beast (the servant of the dragon, Revelation 12:7) they will wage war with the Lamb (the enemy of the dragon). These kings gather for battle as in Revelati... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:15

WHERE THE HARLOT SITTETH (ου η πορνος καθητα). Relative adverb ου (where) referring to the waters (υδατα) of verse Revelation 17:1 on which the harlot sits. Present middle indicative of καθημα.ARE PEOPLES, AND MULTITUDES, AND NATIONS, AND TONGUES (λαο κα οχλο εισιν κα εθνη κα γλωσσα). The O.T.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:16

THESE SHALL HATE THE HARLOT (ουτο μισησουσιν την πορνην). Future active of μισεω. Hουτο is resumptive demonstrative pronoun (masculine) referring to the ten horns and the beast (neuter); construction according to sense. The downfall of Rome will come from the sudden change in subject peoples.SHAL... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:17

DID PUT (εδωκεν). "Did give" (first aorist active of διδωμ.TO DO HIS MIND (ποιησα την γνωμην αυτου). Epexegetic first aorist active infinitive of ποιεω after εδωκεν, as often in this book. They are of one mind (verse Revelation 17:13) because God put them up to it, clear statement of God's over... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:18

THE WOMAN (η γυνη). She is now explained after the beast has been interpreted. Verse Revelation 17:9 made it plain enough, but this verse demonstrates that the woman is the city of Rome "which reigneth (η εχουσα βασιλειαν, the one having a kingdom) over the kings of the earth (επ των βασιλεων της... [ Continue Reading ]

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