Seven kings

(βασιλεις επτα). This is another change in the symbolism. The identification of these seven kings is one of the puzzles of the book.The five are fallen

(ο πεντε επεσαν). Second aorist active indicative of πιπτω with the -αν ending. Common for the downfall of kings (Ezekiel 29:5; Ezekiel 30:6; Isaiah 21:9, etc.). See 2 Samuel 3:38.The one is

(ο εις εστιν). The one when this vision is dated.The other is not yet come

(ο αλλος ουπω ηλθεν). Prophetic second aorist active of ερχομα. Charles takes this as the date of this "source" or part of the Apocalypse. But John could himself have used this language in the time of Domitian even if he was the one who had not yet come. The difficulty about counting these emperors is that Galba, Otho, Vitellius reigned so briefly that they hardly merit being included.When he cometh

(οταν ελθη). Indefinite temporal clause for the future, with οταν and the second aorist active subjunctive of ερχομα, "whenever he comes."He must continue a little while

(ολιγον αυτον δε μεινα). Swete takes this to be Titus, who died September 13, 81, after a short reign.

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Old Testament