Is himself also an eighth and is of the seven

(κα αυτος ογδοος κα εκ των επτα). This is the angel's interpretation and it looks like a reference to Domitian as the eighth, who is regarded as one of the seven because he was considered a second Nero (Nero redivivus). For εκ των επτα see Acts 21:8. John may have used εκ των instead of εις εκ των to avoid absolute identity between Domitian and Nero (Beckwith).And he goeth unto perdition

(κα εις απωλειαν υπαγε). As in verse Revelation 17:8. "Domitian was assassinated (September 18, 96), after a terrible struggle with his murderers. The tyrant's end was a symbol of the end to which the Beast which he personated was hastening" (Swete). Cf. Revelation 19:11-21.

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Old Testament