
(ουτο). These ten kings.Shall war against the Lamb

(μετα του θηριου πολεμησουσιν). Future active of πολεμεο, to war. As allies of the beast (the servant of the dragon, Revelation 12:7) they will wage war with the Lamb (the enemy of the dragon). These kings gather for battle as in Revelation 16:13.And the Lamb shall overcome them

(κα το αρνιον νικησε αυτους). Future active of νικαω. This is the glorious outcome, victory by the Lamb over the coalition of kings as against the beast before.For he is Lord of lords and King of kings

(οτ Κυριος κυριων εστιν κα Βασιλευς βασιλεων). The same words are again descriptive of Christ in Revelation 19:16, as of God in Deuteronomy 10:17 (God of gods and Lord of lords) and Daniel 10:17 (God of gods and Lord of kings). Cf. also 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 1:5. Crowned heads are Christ's subjects.And they also shall overcome that are with him

(κα ο μετ' αυτου). "And those with him shall also overcome" (supply νικησουσιν, not εισιν). They will share in the triumph of the Lamb, as they shared in the conflict. Cf. μετα του θηριου in verse Revelation 17:12.Called and chosen and faithful

(κλητο κα εκλεκτο κα πιστο). These are the three notes of those who share in the victory. For κλητος and εκλεκτος see Matthew 22:14 (contrasted); Romans 8:28; 2 Peter 1:10; Revelation 2:10; Revelation 2:13. The elect are called and prove faithful.

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Old Testament