
(εκ). "As a result of." Some MSS. omit "of the wine" (του οινου). Cf. Revelation 14:10; Revelation 16:10.Have fallen

(πεπτωκαν). Perfect active third personal of πιπτω for usual πεπτωκασ. Some MSS. read πεπωκαν (have drunk), from πινω like the metaphor in Revelation 14:8; Revelation 14:10; Revelation 16:19; Revelation 17:2. See Revelation 17:2 for the same charge about the kings of the earth.The merchants of the earth

(ο εμπορο της γης). Old word for one on a journey for trade (from εν, πορος), like drummers, in N.T. only Matthew 13:45; Revelation 18:3; Revelation 18:11; Revelation 18:15; Revelation 18:23. Like εμποριον (John 2:16) and εμπορευομα (James 4:13).Waxed rich

(επλουτησαν). First ingressive aorist active indicative of πλουτεω, to be rich (cf. Revelation 3:17). Here alone in the N.T. do we catch a glimpse of the vast traffic between east and west that made Rome rich.Of her wantonness

(του στρηνους αυτης). Late word for arrogance, luxury, here alone in N.T. See στρηνιαω in verses Revelation 18:7; Revelation 18:9, to live wantonly.

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Old Testament