
(που--οπου). Που is interrogative adverb used here in an indirect question as in John 1:39. Hοπου is relative adverb referring to που. Satan's throne (ο θρονος του Σατανα). Satan not simply resided in Pergamum, but his "throne" or seat of power of king or judge (Matthew 19:28; Luke 1:32; Luke 1:52). The symbol of Asklepios was the serpent as it is of Satan (Revelation 12:9; Revelation 20:2). There was, besides, a great throne altar to Zeus cut on the Acropolis rock, symbol of "rampant paganism" (Swete) and the new Caesar-worship with the recent martyrdom of Antipas made Pergamum indeed a very throne of Satan.Holdest fast my name

(κρατεις το ονομα σου). Present active indicative of κρατεω, "dost keep on holding," as in Revelation 2:25; Revelation 3:11. This church refused to say Κυριος Καισαρ (Martyrd. Polyc. 8f.) and continued to say Κυριος Ιησους (1 Corinthians 12:3). They stood true against the emperor-worship.Didst not deny

(ουκ ηρνησω). First aorist middle second person singular of αρνεομα. Reference to a specific incident not known to us.My faith

(την πιστιν μου). Objective genitive, "thy faith in me."Of Antipas

(Αντιπας). Indeclinable in this form. It is possible that Αντιπα (genitive) was really written, though unimportant as the nominative follows in apposition. Nothing is really known of this early martyr in Pergamum before the writing of the Apocalypse. One legend is that he was burnt to death in a brazen bull. Other martyrs followed him at Pergamum (Agathonice, Attalus, Carpus, Polybus).My witness

(ο μαρτυς μου). Nominative in apposition with a genitive as in Revelation 1:5 (with ablative), common solecism in the Apocalypse. "Witness" as Jesus had said they should be (Acts 1:8) and Stephen was (Acts 22:20) and others were (Revelation 17:6). The word later (by third century) took on the modern meaning of martyr.My faithful one

(ο πιστος μου). Nominative also, with μου also. Jesus gives Antipas his own title (Swete) as in Revelation 1:5; Revelation 3:14. Faithful unto death.Was killed

(απεκτανθη). First aorist passive indicative of αποκτεινω, this passive form common in the Apocalypse (?2:13; 6:11; 5:9,13; 13:10,15; 18, 20; 19:21?).Among you

(παρ υμιν). By your side. Proof of the throne of Satan, "where Satan dwells" (οπου ο Σατανας κατοικε), repeated for emphasis.

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Old Testament