To you the rest

(υμιν τοις λοιποις). Dative case. Those who hold out against Jezebel, not necessarily a minority (Revelation 9:20; Revelation 19:21; 1 Thessalonians 4:13).As many as

(οσο). Inclusive of all "the rest."This teaching

(την διδαχην ταυτην). That of Jezebel.Which

(οιτινες). "Which very ones," generic of the class, explanatory definition as in Revelation 1:7.Know not

(ουκ εγνωσαν). Second aorist (ingressive) active of γινωσκω, "did not come to know by experience."The deep things of Satan

(τα βαθεα του Σατανα). The Ophites (worshippers of the serpent) and other later Gnostics (Cainites, Carpocratians, Naassenes) boasted of their knowledge of "the deep things," some claiming this very language about Satan (the serpent) as Paul did of God (1 Corinthians 2:10). It is not clear whether the words here quoted are a boast of the Nicolaitans or a reproach on the other Christians for not knowing the depths of sin. Some even claimed that they could indulge in immorality without sinning (1 John 1:10; 1 John 3:10). Perhaps both ideas are involved.As they say

(ως λεγουσιν). Probably referring to the heretics who ridicule the piety of the other Christians.None other burden

(ου--αλλο βαρος). Βαρος refers to weight (Matthew 20:12), φορτιον, from φερω, to bear, refers to load (Galatians 6:5), ογκος to bulk (Hebrews 12:1). Apparently a reference to the decision of the Jerusalem Conference (Acts 15:28) where the very word βαρος is used and mention is made about the two items in verse Revelation 2:20 (fornication and idolatry) without mentioning the others about things strangled, etc. See the Pharisaic narrowness in Matthew 23:4.

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Old Testament