In Smyrna

(εν Σμυρνη). North of Ephesus, on a gulf of the Aegean, one of the great cities of Asia (province), a seat of emperor-worship with temple to Tiberius, with many Jews hostile to Christianity who later join in the martyrdom of Polycarp, poor church (rich in grace) which receives only praise from Christ, scene of the recent massacre of Greeks by the Turks. Ramsay (op. cit., p. 251) terms Smyrna "the City of Life." Christianity has held on here better than in any city of Asia.The first and the last

(ο πρωτος κα ο εσχατος). Repeating the language of Revelation 1:17.Which was dead

(ος εγενετο νεκρος). Rather, "who became dead" (second aorist middle indicative of γινομα) as in Revelation 1:18.And lived again

(κα εζησεν). First aorist (ingressive, came to life) active of ζαω (ο ζων in Revelation 1:18). Emphasis on the resurrection of Christ.

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Old Testament