Revelation 20:1

COMING DOWN OUT OF HEAVEN (καταβαινοντα εκ του ουρανου). As in Revelation 10:1; Revelation 18:1.THE KEY OF THE ABYSS (την κλειν της αβυσσου). As in Revelation 9:1.A GREAT CHAIN (αλυσιν μεγαλην). Paul wore a αλυσις (alpha privative and λυω, to loose) in Rome (2 Timothy 1:16;, as did Peter in p... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:2

HE LAID HOLD ON (εκρατησεν). First aorist active indicative of κρατεω, to seize.THE DRAGON (τον δρακοντα). Accusative after εκρατησεν instead of the genitive as in Revelation 2:1. He has been behind the beast and the false prophet from the start. Now he is seized.THE OLD SERPENT (ο οφις ο αρχ... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:3

INTO THE ABYSS (εις την αβυσσον). The one in Revelation 9:1 and the one spoken of by the legion of demons in Luke 8:31 under the charge of the angel of the abyss (Apollyon, Revelation 9:11) who is either Satan himself or a kindred power. "Already he has been cast out of Heaven (Revelation 12:9),... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:4

AND THEY SAT UPON THEM (κα εκαθισαν επ' αυτους). First aorist active indicative of καθιζω. Another period here apparently synchronous (verse Revelation 20:7) with the confinement of Satan in the abyss. No subject is given for this plural verb. Apparently Christ and the Apostles (Matthew 19:28; Lu... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:5

THE REST OF THE DEAD (ο λοιπο των νεκρων). "All except the martyrs, both the righteous and the unrighteous" (Beckwith). But some take this to mean only the wicked.LIVED NOT UNTIL THE THOUSAND YEARS SHOULD BE FINISHED (ουκ εζησαν αχρ τελεσθη τα χιλια ετη). See verse Revelation 20:4 for the items... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:6

BLESSED AND HOLY (μακαριος κα αγιος). A fifth beatitude (Revelation 1:3; Revelation 14:13; Revelation 16:15; Revelation 19:9) already and two more to come (Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:14, seven in all). Here αγιος is added to the usual μακαριος. The second death (ο δευτερος θανατος). The spirit... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:7

WHEN ARE FINISHED (οταν τελεσθη). Indefinite future temporal clause with οταν and the first aorist passive subjunctive of τελεω, "whenever are finished."SHALL BE LOOSED (λυθησετα). Future passive of λυω, no longer bound as in Revelation 20:2. He uses the future as a prophet in verses Revelation... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:8

TO DECEIVE THE NATIONS (πλανησα τα εθνη). First aorist active infinitive of purpose of πλαναω, Satan's chief task (Chapter s 12 to 18, in particular Revelation 12:9; Revelation 13:14; Revelation 19:20; Revelation 20:3; Revelation 20:10).WHICH ARE IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH (τα εν ταις τεσσ... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:9

THEY WENT UP (ανεβησαν). Second aorist active indicative of αναβαινω, a return to the manner of the seer as in verses Revelation 20:4; Revelation 20:5.OVER THE BREADTH OF THE EARTH (επ το πλατος της γης). Πλατος is old word, in N.T. only here, Revelation 21:16; Ephesians 3:18. The hosts of Sata... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:10

WAS CAST (εβληθη). First aorist (prophetic, affective) passive indicative of βαλλω (verse Revelation 20:3).INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE AND BRIMSTONE (εις την λιμνην του πυρος κα θειου). As in Revelation 19:20 with the two beasts, as he adds, "where are also the beast and the false prophet" (οπου κα τ... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:11

A GREAT WHITE THRONE (θρονον μεγαν λευκον). Here μεγαν (great) is added to the throne pictures in Revelation 4:4; Revelation 20:4. The scene is prepared for the last judgment often mentioned in the N.T. (Matthew 25:31-46; Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10). "The absolute purity of this Supreme Cour... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:12

THE DEAD, THE GREAT AND THE SMALL (τους νεκρους τους μεγαλους κα τους μικρους). The general resurrection of verse Revelation 20:13 is pictured by anticipation as already over. No living are mentioned after the battle of verses Revelation 20:7-10, though some will be living when Jesus comes to judg... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:13

GAVE UP (εδωκεν). Just "gave" (first aorist active indicative of διδωμ), but for the sea to give is to give up (effective aorist). Sea as well as land delivers its dead (all kinds of dead, good and bad). Swete notes that accidental deaths will not prevent any from appearing. Milligan is sure that... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:14

WERE CAST (εβληθησαν). As the devil (Revelation 20:10) followed the two beasts (Revelation 19:20) into the same dread lake of fire. Death is personified and is disposed of, "the last enemy" (1 Corinthians 15:26) and Paul sings the paean of victory over death (1 Corinthians 15:54, from Hosea 13:14)... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 20:15

IF ANY WAS NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE (ε τις ουχ ευρεθη εν τη βιβλω της ζωης). Condition of first class with ε and the first aorist passive indicative of ευρισκω. In this short sentence the doom is told of all who are out of Christ, for they too follow the devil and the two beasts into... [ Continue Reading ]

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