Revelation 3:1

IN SARDIS (εν Σαρδεσιν). Some thirty miles south-east of Thyatira, old capital of Lydia, wealthy and the home of Croesus, conquered by Cyrus and then by Alexander the Great, in B.C. 214 by Antiochus the Great, at the crossing of Roman roads, in a plain watered by the river Pactolus, according to... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:2

BE THOU WATCHFUL (γινου γρηγορων). Periphrastic imperative with present middle of γινομα (keep on becoming) and present active participle of γρηγορεω (late present from perfect εγρηγορα and that from εγειρω, as in Matthew 24:42) and see Revelation 16:15 for γρηγορεω also. He does not say "Arise f... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:3

REMEMBER (μνημονευε). "Keep in mind," as in Revelation 2:5.THEREFORE (ουν). Resumptive and coordinating as in Revelation 1:19; Revelation 2:5.THOU HAST RECEIVED (ειληφας). Perfect active indicative of λαμβανω, "as a permanent deposit" (Vincent).DIDST HEAR (ηκουσας). First aorist active indi... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:4

A FEW NAMES (ολιγα ονοματα). This use of ονομα for persons is seen in the _Koine_ (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 196f.) as in Acts 1:15; Revelation 11:13.DID NOT DEFILE (ουκ εμολυναν). First aorist active indicative of μολυνω (1 Corinthians 8:7; 1 Peter 1:4), pollution.THEY SHALL WALK (περιπα... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:5

SHALL BE ARRAYED (περιβαλειτα). Future middle indicative of περιβαλλω, to fling around one, here and in Revelation 4:4 with εν and the locative, but usually in this book with the accusative of the thing, retained in the passive or with the middle (Revelation 7:9; Revelation 7:13; Revelation 10:1;... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:7

IN PHILADELPHIA (εν Φιλαδελφια). Some twenty-eight miles south-east of Sardis, in Lydia, subject to earthquakes, rebuilt by Tiberius after the great earthquake of A.D. 17, for a time called in coins Neo-Caesarea, in wine-growing district with Bacchus (Dionysos) as the chief deity, on fine Roman r... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:8

I HAVE SET (δεδωκα). Perfect active indicative of διδωμ, "I have given" (a gift of Christ, this open door). See Luke 12:51 for a like use of διδωμ.A DOOR OPENED (θυραν ηνεωιγμενην). Perfect (triple reduplication) passive predicate participle of ανοιγω (verse Revelation 3:7) accusative feminine s... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:9

I GIVE (διδω). Late omega form for διδωμ, but the -μ form in Revelation 17:13 (διδοασιν). These Jewish converts are a gift from Christ. For this use of διδωμ see Acts 2:27; Acts 10:40; Acts 14:3. There is ellipse of τινας before εκ as in Revelation 2:10 (εξ υμων) and see Revelation 2:9 for "the s... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:10

PATIENCE (υπομενης). "Endurance" as in Revelation 13:10; Revelation 14:12 as also in 2 Thessalonians 3:5.THOU DIDST KEEP (ετηρησας)--I ALSO WILL KEEP (καγω τηρησω). Aorist active indicative and future active corresponding to each other. For a like play on the tenses of this verb by Christ see... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:11

I COME QUICKLY (ερχομα ταχυ). As in Revelation 2:16; Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:20. "The keynote of the book" (Beckwith). But allow the author's own meaning of "quickly."HOLD FAST THAT WHICH THOU HAST (κρατε ο εχεις). Sort of motto for each church (Revelation 2:25).THAT NO... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:12

HE THAT OVERCOMETH (ο νικων). Nominative absolute as in Revelation 2:26, resumed by the accusative αυτον (him).A PILLAR (στυλον). Old word for column, in N.T. only here, Revelation 10:1; Galatians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:15. Metaphorical and personal use with a double significance of being firmly fixed... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:14

IN LAODICEA (εν Λαοδικια). Forty miles south-east of Philadelphia and some forty miles east of Ephesus, the last of the seven churches addressed with special messages, on the river Lycus on the border of Phrygia, near Colossae and Hierapolis, recipient of two letters by Paul (Colossians 4:16), on... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:15

NEITHER COLD (ουτε ψυχρος). Old word from ψυχω, to grow cold (Matthew 24:12), in N.T. only Matthew 10:42 and this passage.NOR HOT (ουτε ζεστος). Late verbal from ζεω, to boil, (Romans 12:11), boiling hot, here only in N.T.I WOULD THOU WERT (οφελον ης). Wish about the present with οφελον (reall... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:16

LUKEWARM (χλιαρος). Tepid. Old adjective from χλιω, to liquefy, to melt, here alone in N.T.I WILL (μελλω). "I am about to," on the point of.SPEW THEE (σε εμεσα). First aorist active infinitive of εμεω, old verb to vomit, to reject with extreme disgust, here alone in N.T.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:17

I AM RICH (οτ πλουσιος ειμ). Recitative οτ like quotation marks before direct quotation. Old adjective from πλουτος, riches, wealth. Laodicea was a wealthy city and the church "carried the pride of wealth into its spiritual life" (Swete).HAVE GOTTEN RICHES (πεπλουτηκα). Perfect active indicativ... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:18

I COUNSEL (συμβουλευω). Present active indicative, old compound from συμβουλος, counsellor (Romans 11:34), as in John 18:14. Almost ironical in tone.TO BUY (αγορασα). First aorist active infinitive of αγοραζω (from αγορα, market-place), rich as they think themselves to be.FROM ME (παρ' εμου).... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:19

Free rendering of Proverbs 3:12 (in Hebrews 12:6), but with ους εαν (indefinite relative plural) for ον (definite relative singular), with φιλÂω instead of αγαπÂα and with the first person παιδευÂω for παιδευε (the Lord chastens, from παις, child, training a child) and with ελεγχÂω (reprove) added.B... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:20

I STAND AT THE DOOR (εστηκα επ την θυραν). Perfect active of ιστημ (intransitive). Picture of the Lord's advent as in Matthew 24:33; James 5:9, but true also of the individual response to Christ's call (Luke 12:36) as shown in Holman Hunt's great picture. Some see a use also of Song of Solomon 5:... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:21

HE THAT OVERCOMETH (ο νικων). Absolute nominative again as in Revelation 3:12, but resumed this time by the dative αυτω as in Revelation 2:26.TO SIT (καθισα). First aorist active infinitive of καθιζω. This promise grows out of the prophecy that the saints will share in the Messiah's rule, made t... [ Continue Reading ]

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