I stand at the door

(εστηκα επ την θυραν). Perfect active of ιστημ (intransitive). Picture of the Lord's advent as in Matthew 24:33; James 5:9, but true also of the individual response to Christ's call (Luke 12:36) as shown in Holman Hunt's great picture. Some see a use also of Song of Solomon 5:2.If any man hear--and open

(εαν τις ακουση κα ανοιξη). Condition of third class with εαν and first aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive of ακουω and ανοιγω. See John 10:3; John 18:37. See the picture reversed (Swete) in Luke 13:25; Matthew 25:10.I will come in to him

(εισελευσομα). Future middle of εισερχομα. See Mark 15:43; Acts 11:3 for εισερχομα προς, to go into a man's house. Cf. John 14:23.Will sup

(δειπνησω). Future active of δειπνεω, old verb, from δειπνον (supper), as in Luke 17:8. Fellowship in the Messianic kingdom (Luke 22:30; Mark 14:25; Matthew 26:29). Purely metaphorical, as is plain from 1 Corinthians 6:13.

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Old Testament