Romans 1:1

TO THE ROMANS (προς Ρωμαιους). This is the title in Aleph A B C, our oldest Greek MSS. for the Epistle. We do not know whether Paul gave any title at all. Later MSS. add other words up to the Textus Receptus: The Epistle of Paul to the Romans. The Epistle is put first in the MSS. because it is th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:2

HE PROMISED AFORE (προεπηγγειλατο). First aorist middle of προεπαγγελλω for which verb see on 2 Corinthians 9:5.BY (δια). Through, by means of, intermediate agency like Matthew 1:22 which see.IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES (εν γραφαις αγιαις). No article, yet definite. Perhaps the earliest use of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:3

CONCERNING HIS SON (περ του υιου αυτου). Just as Jesus found himself in the O.T. (Luke 24:27; Luke 24:46). The deity of Christ here stated.ACCORDING TO THE FLESH (κατα σαρκα). His real humanity alongside of his real deity. For the descent from David see Matthew 1:1; Matthew 1:6; Matthew 1:20; Lu... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:4

WHO WAS DECLARED (του ορισθεντος). Articular participle (first aorist passive) of οριζω for which verb see on Luke 22:22; Acts 2:23. He was the Son of God in his preincarnate state (2 Corinthians 8:9; Philippians 2:6) and still so after his Incarnation (verse Romans 1:3, "of the seed of David"), b... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:5

UNTO OBEDIENCE OF FAITH (εις υπακοην πιστεως). Subjective genitive as in Romans 16:26, the obedience which springs from faith (the act of assent or surrender).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:6

CALLED TO BE JESUS CHRIST'S (κλητο Ιησου Χριστου). Predicate genitive after κλητο (verbal adjective from καλεω, to call), though it is possible to consider it the ablative case, "called of (or from) Jesus Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:7

IN ROME (εν Ρωμη). One late uncial (G of tenth century) and a cursive omit these words here and one or two other late MSS. omit εν Ρωμη in verse Romans 1:15. This possibly proves the Epistle was circulated as a circular to a limited extent, but the evidence is late and slight and by no means show... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:8

FIRST (πρωτον μεν). Adverb in the accusative case, but no επειτα δε (in the next place) as in Hebrews 7:2 or επειτα as in James 3:17 follows. The rush of thoughts crowds out the balanced phraseology as in Romans 3:2; 1 Corinthians 11:18.THROUGH (δια). As the mediator or medium of thanksgiving a... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:9

I SERVE (λατρευω). Old verb from λατρον, hire, and λατρις, hireling, so to serve for hire, then to serve in general gods or men, whether sacred services (Hebrews 9:9; Hebrews 10:2) or spiritual service as here. Cf. Romans 12:1; Philippians 3:3.UNCEASINGLY (αδιαλειπτως). Late adverb for which see... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:10

IF BY ANY MEANS NOW AT LENGTH (ε πως ηδη ποτε). A condition of the first class in the form of an indirect question (aim) or elliptical condition like Acts 27:12 (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1024). Note the four particles together to express Paul's feelings of emotion that now at length somehow it ma... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:11

IMPART (μεταδω). Second aorist active subjunctive of μεταδιδωμ, to share with one. See on Luke 3:11; 1 Thessalonians 2:8.TO THE END YE MAY BE ESTABLISHED (εις το στηριχθηνα υμας). Final clause (common in Paul) with εις το and the first aorist passive infinitive of στηριζω for which verb see on... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:12

THAT IS (τουτο δε εστιν). "An explanatory correction" (Denney). The δε should not be ignored. Instead of saying that he had a spiritual gift for them, he wishes to add that they also have one for him.THAT I WITH YOU MAY BE COMFORTED (συνπαρακληθηνα εν υμιν). "My being comforted in you (εν υμιν)... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:13

OFTENTIMES I PURPOSED (πολλακις προεθεμην). Second aorist middle of προτιθημ, old verb to place, to propose to oneself, in N.T. only here, Romans 3:25; Ephesians 1:9. See Acts 19:21 for this purpose.AND WAS HINDERED (κα εκωλυθην). "But was hindered," adversative use of κα.THAT I MIGHT HAVE SOME... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:14

OnDEBTOR (οφειλετης) see Galatians 5:3.BOTH TO GREEKS AND TO BARBARIANS (Hελλησιν τε κα βαρβαροις). The whole human race from the Greek point of view, Jews coming under βαρβαροις. On this word see Acts 18:2; Acts 18:4; 1 Corinthians 4:11; Colossians 3:11 (only N.T. instances). The Greeks called... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:15

SO AS MUCH AS IN ME IS I AM READY (ουτω το κατ' εμε προθυμον). Literally, "Thus the according to me affair is ready" (προθυμος, old adjective, προ, θυμος). It is an awkward idiom like to εξ υμων in Romans 12:18. The plural τα κατ' εμε we find in Philippians 1:12; Colossians 4:7; Ephesians 6:21.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:16

IT IS THE POWER OF GOD (δυναμις θεου εστιν). This Paul knew by much experience. He had seen the dynamite of God at work.TO THE JEW FIRST, AND ALSO TO THE GREEK (Ιουδαιω τε πρωτον κα Hελλην). Jesus had taught this (John 4:22; John 10:16; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8). The Jew is first in privilege and i... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:17

FOR THEREIN (γαρ εν αυτω). In the gospel (verse Romans 1:16) of which Paul is not ashamed.A RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD (δικαιοσυνη θεου). Subjective genitive, "a God kind of righteousness," one that each must have and can obtain in no other way save "from faith unto faith" (εκ πιστεως εις πιστιν), fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:18

FOR THE WRATH OF GOD IS REVEALED (αποκαλυπτετα γαρ οργη θεου). Note in Romans Paul's use of γαρ, now argumentative, now explanatory, now both as here. There is a parallel and antecedent revelation (see verse Romans 1:17) of God's wrath corresponding to the revelation of God's righteousness, this... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:19

BECAUSE (διοτ). Gives the reason (δια, οτ like our "for that") for the revelation of God's wrath.THAT WHICH MAY BE KNOWN OF GOD (το γνωστον του θεου). Verbal adjective from γινωσκω, either "the known" as elsewhere in N.T. (Acts 1:19; Acts 15:18, etc.) or "the knowable" as usual in ancient Greek... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:20

THE INVISIBLE THINGS OF HIM (τα αορατα αυτου). Another verbal adjective (α privative and οραω, to see), old word, either unseen or invisible as here and elsewhere in N.T. (Colossians 1:15, etc.). The attributes of God's nature defined here as "his everlasting power and divinity" (η τε αιδιος αυτο... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:21

BECAUSE THAT (διοτ). As in verse Romans 1:19.KNOWING GOD (γνοντες τον θεον). Second aorist active participle of γινωσκω, to know by personal experience. Definite statement that originally men had some knowledge of God. No people, however degraded, have yet been found without some yearning after... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:22

PROFESSING THEMSELVES TO BE WISE (φασκοντες εινα σοφο). Σοφο is predicate nominative with εινα in indirect discourse agreeing with φασκοντες (old verb, from φημ, to say, rare in N.T.) in case and number according to regular Greek idiom (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1038).BECAME VAIN (εματαιωθησαν).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:24

WHEREFORE (διο). Paul's inexorable logic. See it also in verse Romans 1:26 with the same verb and in verse Romans 1:28 κα like "and so."GOD GAVE THEM UP (παρεδωκεν αυτους ο θεος). First aorist active indicative of παραδιδωμ, old and common verb to hand over (beside, παρα) to one's power as in Ma... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:25

EXCHANGED (μετηλλαξαν). First aorist active indicative of μεταλλασσω, old word for exchanging trade, only here and verse Romans 1:26 in N.T. What a bargain they made, "the truth of God for (εν) the (τω) lie." "The price of mythology" (Bengel).WORSHIPPED (εσεβασθησαν). First aorist passive (used... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:26

UNTO VILE PASSIONS (εις παθη ατιμιας). Unto passions of dishonour. Παθος, old word from πασχω, to experience, originally meant any feeling whether good or bad, but in N.T. always in bad sense as here, 1 Thessalonians 4:5; Colossians 3:5 (only N.T. examples).THAT WHICH IS AGAINST NATURE (την παρ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:27

TURNED (εξεκαυθησαν). First aorist passive indicative, causative aorist, of εκκαιω, old verb, to burn out, to set on fire, to inflame with anger or lust. Here only in N.T.LUST (ορεξε). Only here in N.T.UNSEEMLINESS (ασχημοσυνην). Old word from ασχημον (deformed). In N.T. only here and Revelat... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:28

AND EVEN AS THEY REFUSED (κα καθως ουκ εδοκιμασαν). "And even as they rejected" after trial just as δοκιμαζω is used of testing coins. They tested God at first and turned aside from him.KNOWLEDGE (επιγνωσε). Full knowledge (επ additional, γνωσις). They had a dim memory that was a caricature.UNT... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:29

BEING CALLED WITH (πεπληρωμενους). Perfect passive participle of the common verb πληροω, state of completion, "filled to the brim with" four vices in the associative instrumental case (αδικια, unrighteousness as in verse Romans 1:18, πονηρια, active wickedness as in Mark 7:22, πλεονεξια, covetousn... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:30

Paul changes the construction again to twelve substantives and adjectives that give vivid touches to this composite photograph of the God abandoned soul.WHISPERERS (ψιθυριστας). Old word from ψιθυριζω, to speak into the ear, to speak secretly, an onomatopoetic word like ψιθυρισμος (2 Corinthians 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:31

WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING (ασυνετους). Same word in verse Romans 1:21.COVENANT-BREAKERS (ασυνθετους). Another paronomasia or pun. Α privative and verbal συνθετος from συντιθημ, to put together. Old word, common in LXX (Jeremiah 3:7), men "false to their engagements" (Sanday and Headlam), who treat... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 1:32

THE ORDINANCE OF GOD (το δικαιωμα του θεου). The heathen knows that God condemns such evil practices.BUT ALSO CONSENT WITH THEM (αλλα κα συνευδοκουσιν). Late verb for hearty approval as in Luke 11:48; Acts 8:1; 1 Corinthians 7:12. It is a tragedy of American city government that so many of the... [ Continue Reading ]

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