
(μετηλλαξαν). First aorist active indicative of μεταλλασσω, old word for exchanging trade, only here and verse Romans 1:26 in N.T. What a bargain they made, "the truth of God for (εν) the (τω) lie." "The price of mythology" (Bengel).Worshipped

(εσεβασθησαν). First aorist passive (used transitively) of σεβαζομα, old verb, used in late Greek like σεβομα, to worship.Rather than the Creator

(παρα τον κτισαντα). Placed side by side (παρα, the Creator and the creature, κτισις) they preferred the creature.Who is blessed forever. Amen

(ος εστιν ευλογητοσ. Αμην). One of Paul's doxologies which may come at any moment when he is greatly stirred, as in Romans 9:5. Ευλογητος is verbal of ευλογεω.

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Old Testament