Paul changes the construction again to twelve substantives and adjectives that give vivid touches to this composite photograph of the God abandoned soul.Whisperers

(ψιθυριστας). Old word from ψιθυριζω, to speak into the ear, to speak secretly, an onomatopoetic word like ψιθυρισμος (2 Corinthians 12:20) and only here in N.T.Backbiters

(καταλαλους). Found nowhere else except in Hermas, compound like καταλαλεω, to talk back (James 4:11), and καταλαλια, talking back (2 Corinthians 12:20), talkers back whether secretly or openly.Hateful to God

(θεοστυγεις). Old word from θεος and στυγεω. All the ancient examples take it in the passive sense and so probably here. So στυγητος (Titus 3:13). Vulgate has deo odibiles.Insolent

(υβριστας). Old word for agent from υβριζω, to give insult to, here alone in N.T. save 1 Timothy 1:13.Haughty

(υπερηφανους). From υπερ and φαινομα, to appear above others, arrogant in thought and conduct, "stuck up."Boastful

(αλαζονας). From αλη, wandering. Empty pretenders, swaggerers, braggarts.Inventors of evil things

(εφευρετας κακων). Inventors of new forms of vice as Nero was. Tacitus (Ann. IV. ii) describes Sejanus as facinorum omnium repertor and Virgil (Aen. ii. 163) scelerum inventor.Disobedient to parents

(γονευσιν απειθεις). Cf. 1 Timothy 1:9; 2 Timothy 3:2. An ancient and a modern trait.

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Old Testament