Romans 11:1

I SAY THEN (λεγω ουν). As in verse Romans 11:11. Ουν looks back to Romans 9:16-33 and Romans 10:19-21.DID GOD CAST OFF? (μη απωσατο ο θεοσ?). An indignant negative answer is called for by μη and emphasized by μη γενοιτο (God forbid). Paul refers to the promise in the O.T. made three times: 1 Sam... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:2

WHOM HE FOREKNEW (ον προεγνω). The same form and sense as in Romans 8:29, which see. Probably the Hebrew sense of choice beforehand. The nation of Israel was God's chosen people and so all the individuals in it could not be cast off.WOT YE NOT? (ουκ οιδατε?). "Know ye not?" Why keep the old Eng... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:3

THEY HAVE DIGGED DOWN (κατεσκαψαν). First aorist active indicative of κατασκαπτω, to dig under or down. Old verb, here only in N.T. (critical text). LXX has καθειλαν "pulled down." Paul has reversed the order of the LXX of 1 Kings 19:10; 1 Kings 19:14; 1 Kings 19:18.ALTARS (θυσιαστηρια). Late w... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:4

THE ANSWER OF GOD (ο χρηματισμος). An old word in various senses like χρηματιζω, only here in N.T. See this use of the verb in Matthew 2:12; Matthew 2:22; Luke 2:26; Acts 10:22.TO BAAL (τη Βααλ). Feminine article. In the LXX the name Βααλ is either masculine or feminine. The explanation is that... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:5

REMNANT (λιμμα). Old word, but only here in N.T., but in papyri also and with this spelling rather than λειμμα. From λειπω, to leave.ACCORDING TO THE ELECTION OF GRACE (κατ' εκλογην χαριτος). As in Romans 9:6-13. The election is all of God. Verse Romans 11:6 explains it further.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:6

OTHERWISE (επε). Ellipse after επε (since), "since, in that case."IS NO MORE (ουκετ γινετα). "No longer becomes" grace, loses its character as grace. Augustine: _Gratia nisi gratis sit gratia non est_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:7

WHAT THEN? (τ ουν?). Since God did not push Israel away (verse Romans 11:1), what is true?THE ELECTION (η εκλογη). Abstract for concrete (the elect).OBTAINED (επετυχεν). Second aorist active indicative of επιτυγχανω, old verb, to hit upon, only here in Paul. See Romans 9:30-33 for the failure... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:8

A SPIRIT OF STUPOR (πνευμα κατανυξεως). The quotation is a combination of Deuteronomy 19:4; Isaiah 29:10; Isaiah 6:9. This phrase is from Isaiah 29:10. Κατανυξις is a late and rare word from κατανυσσω, to prick or stick (Acts 2:37), in LXX, here only in N.T., one example in _Pelagia-Legende_. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:9

DAVID SAYS (Δαυειδ λεγε). From Psalms 69:23; (Romans 68:23 LXX); Romans 34:8; Romans 28:4 (combined quotation).TABLE (τραπεζα). For what is on the table, "a feast."A SNARE (εις παγιδα). From πηγνυμ, to make fast, old word for snares for birds and beasts. See on Luke 21:35. Εις in predicate wi... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:10

LET THEIR EYES BE DARKENED (σκοτισθητωσαν ο οφθαλμο αυτων). First aorist passive imperative of σκοτιζω, to darken. A terrible imprecation.THAT THEY MAY NOT SEE (του μη βλεπειν). Repeated from verse Romans 11:8.BOW DOWN (συνκαμψον). First aorist active imperative of συνκαμπτω, old verb, to ben... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:11

DID THEY STUMBLE THAT THEY MIGHT FALL? (μη επταισαν ινα πεσωσιν?). Negative answer expected by μη as in verse Romans 11:1. First aorist active indicative of πταιω, old verb, to stumble, only here in Paul (see James 3:2), suggested perhaps by σκανδαλον in verse Romans 11:9. If ινα is final, then we... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:13

TO YOU THAT ARE GENTILES (υμιν τοις εθνεσιν). "To you the Gentiles." He has a serious word to say to them.INASMUCH THEN (εφ' οσον μεν ουν). Not temporal, _quamdiu_, "so long as" (Matthew 9:15), but qualitative _quatenus_ "in so far then as" (Matthew 25:40).I GLORIFY MY MINISTRY (την διακονιαν... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:15

THE CASTING AWAY OF THEM (η αποβολη αυτων). Objective genitive (αυτων) with αποβολη, old word from αποβαλλω, to throw off (Mark 10:50), in N.T. only here and Acts 27:22.THE RECONCILING OF THE WORLD (καταλλαγη κοσμου). See Romans 5:10 for καταλλαγη (reconciling). It explains verse Romans 11:12.T... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:16

FIRST FRUIT (απαρχη). See on 1 Corinthians 15:20; 1 Corinthians 15:23. The metaphor is from Numbers 15:19. The LXX has απαρχην φυραματος, first of the dough as a heave offering.THE LUMP (το φυραμα). From which the first fruit came. See on Romans 9:21. Apparently the patriarchs are the first fru... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:17

BRANCHES (κλαδων). From κλαω, to break.WERE BROKEN OFF (εξεκλασθησαν). First aorist passive indicative of εκκλαω. Play on the word κλαδος (branch) and εκκλαω, to break off. Condition of first class, assumed as true. Some of the individual Jews (natural Israel) were broken off the stock of the t... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:18

GLORY NOT OVER THE BRANCHES (μη κατακαυχω των κλαδων). Genitive case after κατα. Present middle imperative second person singular of κατακαυχαομα with negative μη, "stop glorying" or "do not have the habit of glorying over the branches." The conclusion of the preceding condition.GLORIEST (κατακ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:19

THOU WILT SAY THEN (ερεις ουν). A presumptuous Gentile speaks.THAT I MIGHT BE GRAFTED IN (ινα εγω ενκεντρισθω). Purpose clause with ινα and first aorist passive subjunctive. He shows contempt for the cast-off Jews.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:20

WELL (καλως). Perhaps ironical, though Paul may simply admit the statement (cf. Mark 12:32) and show the Gentile his real situation.BY UNBELIEF (τη απιστια)--BY FAITH (πιστε). Instrumental case with both contrasted words (by unbelief, by belief).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:21

BE NOT HIGHMINDED (μη υψηλα φρονε). "Stop thinking high (proud) thoughts."OF GOD SPARED NOT (ε γαρ ο θεος ουκ εφεισατο). It is not ε μη (unless), but the ουκ negatives the verb εφεισατο (first aorist middle indicative of φειδομα, to spare. Condition of first class.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:22

THE GOODNESS AND THE SEVERITY OF GOD (χρηστοτητα κα αποτομιαν θεου). See on Romans 2:2 for χρηστοτης, kindness of God. Αποτομια (here alone in the N.T.) is from αποτομος, cut off, abrupt, and this adjective from αποτεμνω, to cut off. This late word occurs several times in the papyri.IF THOU CONTI... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:23

IF THEY CONTINUE NOT IN THEIR UNBELIEF (εαν μη επιμενωσ τη απιστια). Third class condition with the same verb used in verse Romans 11:22 of the Gentile. Locative case of απιστια here (same form as the instrumental in verse Romans 11:20).FOR GOD IS ABLE (δυνατος γαρ εστιν ο θεος). See this use o... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:24

CONTRARY TO NATURE (παρα φυσιν). This is the gist of the argument, the power of God to do what is contrary to natural processes. He put the wild olive (Gentile) into the good olive tree (the spiritual Israel) and made the wild olive (contrary to nature) become the good olive (καλλιελαιος, the gar... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:25

THIS MYSTERY (το μυστηριον τουτο). Not in the pagan sense of an esoteric doctrine for the initiated (from μυεω, to blink, to wink), unknown secrets (2 Thessalonians 2:7), or like the mystery religions of the time, but the revealed will of God now made known to all (1 Corinthians 2:1; 1 Corinthians... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:26

AND SO (κα ουτως). By the complement of the Gentiles stirring up the complement of the Jews (verses Romans 11:11).ALL ISRAEL (πας Ισραηλ). What does Paul mean? The immediate context (use of πας in contrast with απο μερουσ, πληρωμα here in contrast with πληρωμα in verse Romans 11:12) argues for t... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:27

MY COVENANT (η παρ' εμου διαθηκη). "The from me covenant," "my side of the covenant I have made with them" (Sanday and Headlam). Cf. Jeremiah 31:31. Not a political deliverance, but a religious and ethical one.WHEN I SHALL TAKE AWAY (οταν αφελωμα). Second aorist middle subjunctive of αφαιρεω, o... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:28

AS TOUCHING THE GOSPEL (κατα το ευαγγελιον). "According to (κατα with the accusative) the gospel" as Paul has shown in verses Romans 11:11-24, the gospel order as it has developed.ENEMIES (εχθρο). Treated as enemies (of God), in passive sense, because of their rejection of Christ (verse Romans... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:29

WITHOUT REPENTANCE (αμεταμελητα). See on 2 Corinthians 7:10 for this word (α privative and μεταμελομα, to be sorry afterwards). It is not αμετανοητον (Romans 2:5) from α privative and μετανοεω, to change one's mind. God is not sorry for his gifts to and calling of the Jews (Romans 9:4).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:30

YE IN TIME PAST (υμεις ποτε). Ye Gentiles (Romans 1:18-32).WERE DISOBEDIENT (επειθησατε). First aorist active indicative of απειθεω, to disbelieve and then to disobey. "Ye once upon a time disobeyed God."BY THEIR DISOBEDIENCE (τη τουτων απειθια). Instrumental case, "by the disobedience of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:31

BY THE MERCY SHOWN TO YOU (τω υμετερω ελεε). Objective sense of υμετερος (possessive pronoun, your). Proleptic position also for the words go with ελεηθωσιν (first aorist passive subjunctive of ελεεω, from ελεος with ινα, purpose clause). God's purpose is for the Jews to receive a blessing yet.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:32

HATH SHUT UP (συνεκλεισεν). First aorist active indicative of συνκλειω, to shut together like a net (Luke 5:6). See Galatians 3:22 for this word with υπο αμαρτιαν (under sin). This is a resultant (effective) aorist because of the disbelief and disobedience of both Gentile (Romans 1:17-32) and Jew... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:33

O THE DEPTH (Ο βαθος). Exclamation with omega and the nominative case of βαθος (see on 2 Corinthians 8:2; Romans 8:39). Paul's argument concerning God's elective grace and goodness has carried him to the heights and now he pauses on the edge of the precipice as he contemplates God's wisdom and kn... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:34

WHO HATH KNOWN? (τις εγνω?). Second aorist active indicative of γινωσκω, a timeless aorist, did know, does know, will know. Quotation from Isaiah 40:13. Quoted already in 1 Corinthians 2:16.COUNSELLOR (συμβουλος). Old word from συν and βουλη. Only here in N.T.HIS (αυτου). Objective genitive,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:35

FIRST DRIVEN TO HIM (προεδωκεν αυτω). First aorist active indicative of προδιδωμ, to give beforehand or first. Old verb, here alone in N.T. From Job 41:11, but not like the LXX, Paul's own translation.SHALL BE RECOMPENSED (ανταποδοθησετα). First future passive of double compound ανταποδιδωμ, to... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:36

OF HIM (εξ αυτου),THROUGH HIM (δι' αυτου),UNTO HIM (εις αυτον). By these three prepositions Paul ascribes the universe (τα παντα) with all the phenomena concerning creation, redemption, providence to God as theSOURCE (εξ), theAGENT (δ), theGOAL (εις).FOR EVER (εις τους αιωνας). "For t... [ Continue Reading ]

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