They have digged down

(κατεσκαψαν). First aorist active indicative of κατασκαπτω, to dig under or down. Old verb, here only in N.T. (critical text). LXX has καθειλαν "pulled down." Paul has reversed the order of the LXX of 1 Kings 19:10; 1 Kings 19:14; 1 Kings 19:18.Altars

(θυσιαστηρια). Late word (LXX, Philo, Josephus, N.T. eccl. writers) from θυσιαζω, to sacrifice. See Acts 17:23.And I am left alone

(καγω υπελειφθην μονος). First aorist passive indicative of υπολειπω, old word, to leave under or behind, here only in N.T. Elijah's mood was that of utter dejection in his flight from Jezebel.Life

(ψυχην). It is not possible to draw a clear distinction between ψυχη (soul) and πνευμα (spirit). Ψυχη is from ψυχω, to breathe or blow, πνευμα from πνεω, to blow. Both are used for the personality and for the immortal part of man. Paul is usually dichotomous in his language, but sometimes trichotomous in a popular sense. We cannot hold Paul's terms to our modern psychological distinctions.

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Old Testament