I myself also

(κα αυτος εγω). See Romans 7:25 for a like emphasis on himself, here in contrast with "ye yourselves" (κα αυτο). The argument of the Epistle has been completed both in the main line (Chapter s Romans 15:1-8) and the further applications (Romans 9:1-15). Here begins the Epilogue, the personal matters of importance.Full of goodness

(μεστο αγαθοσυνης). See 2 Thessalonians 1:11; Galatians 5:22 for this LXX and Pauline word (in ecclesiastical writers also) made from the adjective αγαθος, good, by adding -συνη (common ending for words like δικαιοσυνη. See Romans 1:29 for μεστος with genitive and πεπληρωμενο (perfect passive participle of πληροω as here), but there with instrumental case after it instead of the genitive. Paul gives the Roman Christians (chiefly Gentiles) high praise. The "all knowledge" is not to be pressed too literally, "our Christian knowledge in its entirety" (Sanday and Headlam).To admonish

(νουθετειν). To put in mind (from νουθετης and this from νους and τιθημ). See on 1 Thessalonians 5:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:14. "Is it laying too much stress on the language of compliment to suggest that these words give a hint of St. Paul's aim in this Epistle?" (Sanday and Headlam). The strategic position of the church in Rome made it a great centre for radiating and echoing the gospel over the world as Thessalonica did for Macedonia (1 Thessalonians 1:8).

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Old Testament