Romans 16:1

I COMMEND (συνιστημ). The regular word for letters of commendation as in 2 Corinthians 3:1 (συστατικων επιστολων). See also Romans 3:5. So here verses Romans 16:1; Romans 16:2 constitute Paul's recommendation of Phoebe, the bearer of the Epistle. Nothing else is known of her, though her name (Φοι... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:2

WORTHILY OF THE SAINTS (αξιως των αγιων). Adverb with the genitive as in Philippians 1:27 because the adjective αξιος is used with the genitive (Luke 3:8). "Receive her in a way worthy of the saints." This word αγιος had come to be the accepted term for followers of Christ.ASSIST HER (παραστητε... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:3

In verses Romans 16:3-16 Paul sends his greetings to various brethren and sisters in Rome.PRISCA AND AQUILA (Πρισκαν κα Ακυλαν). This order always (Acts 18:18; Acts 18:26; 2 Timothy 4:19, and here) save in Acts 18:2; 1 Corinthians 16:19, showing that Prisca was the more prominent. Priscilla is a di... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:4

LAID DOWN THEIR OWN NECKS (τον εαυτων τραχελον υπεθηκαν). First aorist active of υποτιθημ, old verb to place under (the axe of the executioner), only here in N.T. in this sense, though in 1 Timothy 4:16 to suggest. If literal or figurative, the incident may be connected with the uproar created by... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:5

THE CHURCH THAT IS IN THEIR HOUSE (την κατ' οικον αυτων εκκλησιαν). The early Christians had no church buildings. See also Acts 12:2; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Philemon 1:2; Colossians 4:15. The Roman Christians had probably several such homes where they would meet.EPAINETUS (Επαινετον). Nothing is k... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:6

MARY (Μαριαν). Some MSS. have Μαριαμ, the Hebrew form. The name indicates a Jewish Christian in Rome. Paul praises her toil. See Luke 5:5.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:7

ANDRONICUS AND JUNIAS (Ανδρονιχου κα Ιουνιαν). The first is a Greek name found even in the imperial household. The second name can be either masculine or feminine.KINSMEN (συγγενεις). Probably only fellow-countrymen as in Romans 9:13.FELLOW-PRISONERS (συναιχμαλωτυς). Late word and rare (in Lu... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:9

URBANUS (Ουρβανον). "A common Roman slave name found among members of the household" (Sanday and Headlam). A Latin adjective from _urbs_, city (city-bred).STACHYS (Σταχυν). A Greek name, rare, but among members of the imperial household. It means a head or ear of grain (Matthew 12:1).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:10

APELLES (Απελλην). A name among Jews and a famous tragic actor also.THE APPROVED (τον δοκιμον). The tried and true (1 Corinthians 11:19; 2 Corinthians 10:18; 2 Corinthians 13:7).THEM WHICH ARE OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF ARISTOBULUS (τους εκ των Αριστοβουλου). The younger Aristobulus was a grandson o... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:11

HERODION (Hερωιδιωνα). Probably one belonging to the Herod family like that above.KINSMAN (συγγενη). Merely fellow-countryman.THEM OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF NARCISSUS (τους εκ των Ναρκισσου). "Narcissiani." There was a famous freedman of this name who was put to death by Agrippa. Perhaps members of... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:12

TRYPHAENA AND TRYPHOSA (Τρυφαιναν κα Τρυφωσαν). Probably sisters and possibly twins. Both names come from the same root, the verb τρυφαω, to live luxuriously (James 5:5). Denney suggests "Dainty and Disdain."PERSIS (Περσιδα). A freedwoman was so named. She is not Paul's "beloved," but the "belo... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:13

RUFUS (Ρουφον). A very common slave name, possibly the Rufus of Mark 15:21. The word means "red."THE CHOSEN (τον εκλεκτον). Not "the elect," but "the select."AND MINE (κα εμου). Paul's appreciation of her maternal care once, not his real mother.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:14

ASYNCRITUS (Ασυνκριτον). There is an inscription of a freedman of Augustus with this name.PHLEGON (Φλεγοντα). No light on this name till the historian of the second century A.D.HERMES (Hερμην). A very common slave name.PATROBAS (Πατροβαν). Name of a freedman of Nero, abbreviated form of Pat... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:15

PHILOLOGUS (Φιλολογον). Another common slave name.JULIA (Ιουλιαν). The commonest name for female slaves in the imperial household because of Julius Caesar. Possibly these two were husband and wife.NEREUS (Νηρεα). Found in inscriptions of the imperial household. But the sister's name is not gi... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:16

WITH A HOLY KISS (εν φιληματ αγιω). The near-east mode of salutation as hand-shaking in the Western. In China one shakes hands with himself. Men kissed men and women kissed women. See Romans 16:1; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:17

MARK (σκοπειτε). Keep an eye on so as to avoid. Σκοπος is the goal, σκοπεω means keeping your eye on the goal.DIVISIONS (διχοστασιας). Old word for "standings apart," cleavages. In N.T. only here and Galatians 5:20.THOSE WHICH ARE CAUSING (τουσ--ποιουντας). This articular participle clause ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:18

BUT THEIR OWN BELLY (αλλα τη εαυτων κοιλια). Dative case after δουλευουσιν. A blunt phrase like the same picture in Philippians 3:19 "whose god is the belly," more truth than caricature in some cases.BY THEIR SMOOTH AND FAIR SPEECH (δια της χρηστολογιας κα ευλογιας). Two compounds of λογος (spe... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:19

IS COME ABROAD (αφικετο). Second aorist middle indicative of αφικνεομα, old verb, to come from, then to arrive at, only here in N.T.OVER YOU (εφ' υμιν). "Upon you." Simple unto that which is evil (ακεραιους εις το κακον). Old adjective from α privative and κεραννυμ, to mix. Unmixed with evil, u... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:20

SHALL BRUISE (συντριψε). Future active of συντριβω, old verb, to rub together, to crush, to trample underfoot. Blessed promise of final victory over Satan by "the God of peace." "Shortly" (εν ταχε). As God counts time. Meanwhile patient loyalty from us.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:21

Verses Romans 16:21-23 form a sort of postscript with greetings from Paul's companions in Corinth. Timothy was with Paul in Macedonia (2 Corinthians 1:1) before he came to Corinth. Lucius may be the one mentioned in Acts 13:1. Jason was once Paul's host (Acts 17:5-9) in Thessalonica, Sosipater may b... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:22

I TERTIUS (εγω Τερτιος). The amanuensis to whom Paul dictated the letter. See 2 Thessalonians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 16:21; Colossians 4:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:23

GAIUS MY HOST (Γαιος ο ξενος μου). Perhaps the same Gaius of 1 Corinthians 1:14 (Acts 19:29; Acts 20:4), but whether the one of 3 John 1:1 we do not know. Ξενος was a guest friend, and then either a stranger (Matthew 25:35) or a host of strangers as here. This Gaius was plainly a man of some means... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:25

Verses Romans 16:25-27 conclude the noble Epistle with the finest of Paul's doxologies.TO HIM THAT IS ABLE (τω δυναμενω). Dative of the articular participle of δυναμα. See similar idiom in Ephesians 3:20.TO STABLISH (στηριξα). First aorist active infinitive of στηριζω, to make stable.ACCORDING T... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:26

BUT NOW IS MANIFESTED (φανερωθεντος δε νυν). First aorist passive participle of φανεροω, to make plain, genitive case in agreement with μυστηριου.BY THE SCRIPTURES OF THE PROPHETS (δια γραφων προφητικων). "By prophetic scriptures." Witnessed by the law and the prophets (Romans 3:21). This threa... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:27

TO THE ONLY WISE GOD (μονω σοφω θεω). Better, "to God alone wise." See 1 Timothy 1:17 without σοφω.TO WHOM (ω). Some MSS. omit.... [ Continue Reading ]

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