Worthily of the saints

(αξιως των αγιων). Adverb with the genitive as in Philippians 1:27 because the adjective αξιος is used with the genitive (Luke 3:8). "Receive her in a way worthy of the saints." This word αγιος had come to be the accepted term for followers of Christ.Assist her

(παραστητε). Second aorist (intransitive) active subjunctive of παριστημ, to stand by, with the dative case ("beside her"), the very word used by Paul of the help of Jesus in his trial (παρεστη, 2 Timothy 4:17). Used with ινα as προσδεξησθε.In whatsoever matter

(εν ω πραγματ). Incorporation of the antecedent (πραγματ) into the relative clause (ω).She may have need of you

(αν υμων χρηιζη). Indefinite relative clause with αν and the present subjunctive of χρηιζω with genitive.A succourer

(προστατις). Old and rare feminine form for the masculine προστατης, from προιστημ (προστατεω, common, but not in the N.T.), here only in the N.T. and not in the papyri. The word illustrates her work as διακονον and is perhaps suggested here by παραστητε, just before.Of mine own self

(εμου αυτου). "Of me myself."

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Old Testament