In verses Romans 16:3-16 Paul sends his greetings to various brethren and sisters in Rome.Prisca and Aquila

(Πρισκαν κα Ακυλαν). This order always (Acts 18:18; Acts 18:26; 2 Timothy 4:19, and here) save in Acts 18:2; 1 Corinthians 16:19, showing that Prisca was the more prominent. Priscilla is a diminutive of Prisca, a name for women in the Acilian gens. She may have been a noble Roman lady, but her husband was a Jew of Pontus and a tent-maker by trade. They were driven from Rome by Claudius, came to Corinth, then to Ephesus, then back to Rome, and again to Ephesus. They were good travelling Christians.My fellow-workers

(τους συνεργους μου). Both in tent-making and in Christian service in Corinth and Ephesus.

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Old Testament