Romans 3:1

WHAT ADVANTAGE THEN HATH THE JEW? (τ ουν το περισσον του Ιουδαιου?). Literally, "What then is the overplus of the Jew?" What does the Jew have over and above the Gentile? It is a pertinent question after the stinging indictment of the Jew in chapter 2.THE PROFIT (η ωφελια). The help. Old word,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:2

MUCH EVERY WAY (πολυ κατα παντα). Πολυ points back to το περισσον. So it means the overplus of the Jew is much from every angle.FIRST OF ALL (πρωτον μεν). As in Romans 1:8; 1 Corinthians 11:18 Paul does not add to his "first." He singles out one privilege of the many possessed by the Jew.THEY W... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:3

FOR WHAT IF? (τ γαρ ει?). But Westcott and Hort print it, Τ γαρ? ε. See Philippians 1:18 for this exclamatory use of τ γαρ (for how? How stands the case?).SOME WERE WITHOUT FAITH (ηπιστησαν). First aorist active indicative of απιστεω, old verb, to disbelieve. This is the common N.T. meaning (Luk... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:4

LET GOD BE FOUND TRUE (γινεσθω ο θεος αληθης). "Let God continue to be true" (present middle imperative).BUT EVERY MAN A LIAR (πας δε ανθρωπος ψευστης). The contrast in δε really means, "though every man be found a liar." Cf. Psalms 116:12.AS IT IS WRITTEN (καθως γεγραπτα). Psalms 51:6.THAT T... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:5

WHAT SHALL WE SAY? (τ ερουμεν?). Rhetorical question, common with Paul as he surveys the argument.COMMENDETH (συνιστησιν). This common verb συνιστημ, to send together, occurs in the N.T. in two senses, either to introduce, to commend (2 Corinthians 3:1; 2 Corinthians 4:2) or to prove, to establ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:6

FOR THEN HOW (επε πως). There is a suppressed condition between επε and πως, an idiom occurring several times in the N.T. (1 Corinthians 15:29; Romans 11:6; Romans 11:22). "Since, if that were true, how.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:7

THROUGH MY LIE (εν τω εμω ψευσματ).] Old word from ψευδομα, to lie, only here in N.T. Paul returns to the imaginary objection in verse Romans 3:5. The MSS. differ sharply here between ε δε (but if) and ε γαρ (for if). Paul "uses the first person from motives of delicacy" (Sanday and Headlam) in t... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:8

AND WHY NOT (κα μη). We have a tangled sentence which can be cleared up in two ways. One is (Lightfoot) to supply γενητα after μη and repeat τ (κα τ μη γενητα, deliberative subjunctive in a question): And why should it not happen? The other way (Sanday and Headlam) is to take μη with ποιησωμεν an... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:9

WHAT THEN? (τ ουν?). Paul's frequent query, to be taken with verses Romans 3:1; Romans 3:2.ARE WE IN WORSE CASE THAN THEY? (προεχομεθα?). The American Revisers render it: "Are we in better case than they?" There is still no fresh light on this difficult and common word though it occurs alone in... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:10

AS IT IS WRITTEN (καθως γεγραπτα οτ). Usual formula of quotation as in verse Romans 3:4 with recitative οτ added as in verse Romans 3:8. Paul here uses a catena or chain of quotations to prove his point in verse Romans 3:9 that Jews are in no better fix than the Greeks for all are under sin. Dr. J... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:11

THAT UNDERSTANDETH (συνιων). Present active participle of συνιω, late omega form of -μ verb συνιημ, to send together, to grasp, to comprehend. Some MSS. have the article ο before it as before εκζητων (seeking out).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:12

THEY ARE TOGETHER BECOME UNPROFITABLE (αμα ηχρεωθησαν). First aorist passive indicative of αχρεοω. Late word in Polybius and Cilician inscription of first century A.D. Some MSS. read ηχρειωθησαν from αχρειος, useless (α privative and χρειος, useful) as in Luke 17:10; Matthew 25:30, but Westcott a... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:13

THROAT (λαρυγξ). Old word, larynx.OPEN SEPULCHRE (ταφος ανεωιγμενος). Perfect passive participle of ανοιγω, "an opened grave." Their mouth (words) like the odour of a newly opened grave. "Some portions of Greek and Roman literature stink like a newly opened grave" (Shedd).THEY HAVE USED DECEIT... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:15

TO SHED (εκχεα). First aorist active infinitive of εκχεω, to pour out, old verb with aorist active εξεχεα.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:16

DESTRUCTION (συντριμμα). Rare word from συντριβω, to rub together, to crush. In Leviticus 21:19 for fracture and so in papyri. Only here in N.T.MISERY (ταλαιπωρια). Common word from ταλαιπωρος (Romans 7:24), only here in the N.T.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:18

BEFORE (απεναντ). Late double compound (απο, εν, αντ) adverbial preposition in LXX and Polybius, papyri and inscriptions. With genitive as here.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:19

THAT EVERY MOUTH MAY BE STOPPED (ινα παν στομα φραγη). Purpose clause with ινα and second aorist passive subjunctive of φρασσω, old verb to fence in, to block up. See 2 Corinthians 11:10. Stopping mouths is a difficult business. See Titus 1:11 where Paul uses επιστομιζειν (to stop up the mouth) f... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:20

BECAUSE (διοτ, again, δια, οτ).BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW (εξ εργων νομου). "Out of works of law." Mosaic law and any law as the source of being set right with God. Paul quotes Psalms 43:2 as he did in Galatians 2:16 to prove his point.THE KNOWLEDGE OF SIN (επιγνωσις αμαρτιας). The effect of law... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:21

BUT NOW APART FROM THE LAW (νυν δε χωρις νομου). He now (νυν emphatic logical transition) proceeds carefully in verses Romans 3:21-31 theNATURE of the God-kind of righteousness which stands manifested (δικαιοσυνη θεου πεφανερωτα, perfect passive indicative of φανεροω, to make manifest), theNECE... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:22

EVEN (δε). Not adversative here. It defines here.THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST (δια πιστεως [Ιησου] Χριστου). Intermediate agency (δια) is faith and objective genitive, "in Jesus Christ," not subjective "of Jesus Christ," in spite of Haussleiter's contention for that idea. The objective nature o... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:23

SINNED (ηρμαρτον). Constative second aorist active indicative of αμαρτανω as in Romans 5:12. This tense gathers up the whole race into one statement (a timeless aorist).AND FALL SHORT (κα υστερουντα). Present middle indicative of υστερεω, to be υστερος (comparative) too late, continued action,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:24

BEING JUSTIFIED (δικαιουμενο). Present passive participle of δικαιοω, to set right, repeated action in each case, each being set right.FREELY (δωρεαν). As in Galatians 2:21.BY HIS GRACE (τη αυτου χαριτ). Instrumental case of this wonderful word χαρις which so richly expresses Paul's idea of s... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:25

SET FORTH (προεθετο). Second aorist middle indicative. See on Romans 1:13 for this word. Also in Ephesians 1:9, but nowhere else in N.T. God set before himself (purposed) and did it publicly before (προ) the whole world.A PROPITIATION (ιλαστηριον). The only other N.T. example of this word is in... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:26

FOR THE SHEWING (προς την ενδειξιν). Repeats point of εις ενδειξιν of Romans 3:25 with προς instead of εις.AT THIS PRESENT SEASON (εν τω νυν καιρω). "In the now crisis," in contrast with "done aforetime."THAT HE MIGHT HIMSELF BE (εις το εινα αυτον). Purpose with εις to and the infinitive εινα... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:27

IT IS EXCLUDED (εξεκλεισθη). First aorist (effective) passive indicative. "It is completely shut out." Glorying is on man's part.NAY; BUT BY A LAW OF FAITH (ουχι, αλλα δια νομου πιστεως). Strong negative, and note "law of faith," by the principle of faith in harmony with God's love and grace.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:28

WE RECKON THEREFORE (λογιζομεθα ουν). Present middle indicative. Westcott and Hort read γαρ instead of ουν. "My fixed opinion" is. The accusative and infinitive construction occurs after λογιζομεθα here. On this verb λογιζομα, see Romans 2:3; Romans 4:3; Romans 8:18; Romans 14:14. Paul restates v... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:30

IF SO BE THAT GOD IS ONE (ειπερ εις ο θεος). Correct text rather than επειπερ. It means "if on the whole." "By a species of rhetorical politeness it is used of that about which there is no doubt" (Thayer. Cf. 1 Corinthians 8:5; 1 Corinthians 15:15; Romans 8:9.BY FAITH (εκ πιστεως). "Out of fait... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:31

NAY, WE ESTABLISH THE LAW (αλλα νομον ιστανομεν). Present indicative active of late verb ιστανω from ιστημ. This Paul hinted at in verse Romans 3:21. How he will show in chapter 4 how Abraham himself is an example of faith and in his life illustrates the very point just made. Besides, apart from... [ Continue Reading ]

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