
(μολις). Common adverb from μολος, toil. See on Acts 14:18. As between δικαιος, righteous, and αγαθος, good, Lightfoot notes "all the difference in the world" which he shows by quotations from Plato and Christian writers, a difference of sympathy mainly, the δικαιος man being "absolutely without sympathy" while the αγαθος man "is beneficent and kind."Would even dare

(κα τολμα). Present active indicative of τολμαω, to have courage. "Even dares to." Even so in the case of the kindly sympathetic man courage is called for to make the supreme sacrifice.Perhaps

(ταχα). Common adverb (perhaps instrumental case) from ταχυς (swift). Only here in N.T.

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Old Testament