Romans 7:1

TO MEN THAT KNOW THE LAW (γινωσκουσιν νομον). Dative plural of present active participle of γινωσκω. The Romans, whether Jews or Gentiles, knew the principle of law.A MAN (του ανθρωπου). "The person," generic term ανθρωπος, not ανηρ.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:2

THE WIFE THAT HATH A HUSBAND (η υπανδρος γυνη). Late word, under (in subjection to) a husband. Here only in N.T.IS BOUND (δεδετα). Perfect passive indicative, stands bound.BY LAW (νομω). Instrumental case.TO THE HUSBAND WHILE HE LIVETH (τω ζωντ ανδρ). "To the living husband," literally.BUT... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:3

WHILE THE HUSBAND LIVETH (ζωντος του ανδρος). Genitive absolute of present active participle of ζαω.SHE SHALL BE CALLED (χρηματισε). Future active indicative of χρηματιζω, old verb, to receive a name as in Acts 11:26, from χρημα, business, from χραομα, to use, then to give an oracle, etc.AN ADU... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:4

YE ALSO WERE MADE TO THE LAW (κα υμεις εθανατωθητε). First aorist indicative passive of θανατοω, old verb, to put to death (Matthew 10:21) or to make to die (extinct) as here and Romans 8:13. The analogy calls for the death of the law, but Paul refuses to say that. He changes the structure and ma... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:5

IN THE FLESH (εν τη σαρκ). Same sense as in Romans 6:19 and Romans 7:18; Romans 7:25. The "flesh" is not inherently sinful, but is subject to sin. It is what Paul means by being "under the law." He uses σαρξ in a good many senses.SINFUL PASSIONS (τα παθηματα των αμαρτιων). "Passions of sins" or... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:6

BUT NOW (νυν δε). In the new condition.WHEREIN WE WERE HOLDEN (εν ω κατειχομεθα). Imperfect passive of κατεχω, picture of our former state (same verb in Romans 1:18).IN NEWNESS OF SPIRIT (εν καινοτητ πνευματος). The death to the letter of the law (the old husband) has set us free to the new l... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:7

IS THE LAW SIN? (ο νομος αμαρτια?). A pertinent query in view of what he had said. Some people today oppose all inhibitions and prohibitions because they stimulate violations. That is half-baked thinking.I HAD NOT KNOWN SIN (την αμαρτιαν ουκ εγνων). Second aorist indicative of γινωσκω, to know.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:8

FINDING OCCASION (αφορμην λαβουσα). See 2 Corinthians 5:12; 2 Corinthians 11:12; Galatians 5:13 for αφορμην, a starting place from which to rush into acts of sin, excuses for doing what they want to do. Just so drinking men use the prohibition laws as "occasions" for violating them.WROUGHT IN ME... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:9

I WAS ALIVE (εζων). Imperfect active. Apparently, "the lost paradise in the infancy of men" (Denney), before the conscience awoke and moral responsibility came, "a seeming life" (Shedd).SIN REVIVED (η αμαρτια ανεζησεν). Sin came back to life, waked up, the blissful innocent stage was over, "the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:10

THIS I FOUND UNTO DEATH (ευρεθη μοι--αυτη εις θανατον). Literally, "the commandment the one for (meant for) life, this was found for me unto death." First aorist (effective) passive indicative of ευρισκω, to find, not active as the English has it. It turned out so for me (ethical dative).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:11

BEGUILED ME (εξηπατησεν με). First aorist active indicative of εξαπαταω, old verb, completely (εξ) made me lose my way (α privative, πατεω, to walk). See on 1 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Corinthians 11:3. Only in Paul in N.T.SLEW ME (απεκτεινεν). First aorist active indicative of αποκτεινω, old verb. ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:12

HOLY, AND RIGHTEOUS, AND GOOD (αγια κα δικαια κα αγαθη). This is the conclusion (wherefore, ωστε) to the query in verse Romans 7:7. The commandment is God's and so holy like Him, just in its requirements and designed for our good. The modern revolt against law needs these words.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:13

BECOME DEATH UNTO ME? (εμο εγενετο θανατοσ?). Ethical dative εμο again. New turn to the problem. Admitting the goodness of God's law, did it issue in death for me? Paul repels (μη γενοιτο) this suggestion. It was sin that (But sin, αλλα η αμαρτια) "became death for me."THAT IT MIGHT BE SHOWN (ι... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:14

SPIRITUAL (πνευματικος). Spirit-caused and spirit-given and like the Holy Spirit. See 1 Corinthians 10:3.BUT I AM CARNAL (εγω δε σαρκινος ειμ). "Fleshen" as in 1 Corinthians 3:1 which see, more emphatic even than σαρκικος," a creature of flesh."SOLD UNDER SIN (πεπραμενος υπο την αμαρτιαν). Pe... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:15

I KNOW NOT (ου γινωσκω). "I do not recognize" in its true nature. My spiritual perceptions are dulled, blinded by sin (2 Corinthians 4:4). The dual life pictured here by Paul finds an echo in us all, the struggle after the highest in us ("what I really wish," ο θελω, to practise it steadily, πρασ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:16

I CONSENT UNTO THE LAW (συνφημ τω νομω). Old verb, here only in N.T., with associative instrumental case. "I speak with." My wanting (θελω) to do the opposite of what I do proves my acceptance of God's law as good (καλος).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:17

SO NOW (νυν δε). A logical contrast, "as the case really stands."BUT SIN THAT DWELLETH IN ME (αλλ' η ενοικουσα εν εμο αμαρτια). "But the dwelling in me sin." Not my true self, my higher personality, but my lower self due to my slavery to indwelling sin. Paul does not mean to say that his whole... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:18

IN ME (εν εμο). Paul explains this by "in my flesh" (εν τη σαρκ μου), the unregenerate man "sold under sin" of verse Romans 7:14.NO GOOD THING (ουκ--αγαθον). "Not absolutely good." This is not a complete view of man even in his unregenerate state as Paul at once shows.FOR TO WILL IS PRESENT WIT... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:19

BUT THE EVIL WHICH I WOULD NOT (αλλα ο ου θελω κακον). Incorporation of the antecedent into the relative clause, "what evil I do not wish." An extreme case of this practise of evil is seen in the drunkard or the dope-fiend.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:20

IT IS NO MORE I THAT DO IT (ουκετ εγω κατεργαζομα αυτο). Just as in verse Romans 7:17, "no longer do I do it" (the real Εγο, my better self), and yet there is responsibility and guilt for the struggle goes on.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:21

THE LAW (τον νομον). The principle already set forth (αρα, accordingly) in verses Romans 7:18; Romans 7:19. This is the way it works, but there is no surcease for the stings of conscience.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:22

FOR I DELIGHT IN (συνηδομα γαρ). Old verb, here alone in N.T., with associative instrumental case, "I rejoice with the law of God," my real self "after the inward man" (κατα τον εσω ανθρωπον) of the conscience as opposed to "the outward man" (2 Corinthians 4:16; Ephesians 3:16).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:23

A DIFFERENT LAW (ετερον νομον). For the distinction between ετερος and αλλος, see Galatians 1:6.WARRING AGAINST (αντιστρατευομενον). Rare verb (_Xenophon_) to carry on a campaign against. Only here in N.T.THE LAW OF MY MIND (τω νομω του νοος). The reflective intelligence Paul means by νοος, ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:24

O WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM (ταλαιπωρος εγω ανθρωπος). "Wretched man I." Old adjective from τλαω, to bear, and πωρος, a callus. In N.T. only here and Revelation 3:17. "A heart-rending cry from the depths of despair" (Sanday and Headlam).OUT OF THE BODY OF THIS DEATH (εκ του σωματος του θανατου του... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 7:25

I THANK GOD (χαρις τω θεω). "Thanks to God." Note of victory over death through Jesus Christ our Lord."SO THEN I MYSELF (αρα ουν αυτος εγω). His whole self in his unregenerate state gives a divided service as he has already shown above. In Romans 6:1-7 Paul proved the obligation to be sanctifie... [ Continue Reading ]

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