Become death unto me?

(εμο εγενετο θανατοσ?). Ethical dative εμο again. New turn to the problem. Admitting the goodness of God's law, did it issue in death for me? Paul repels (μη γενοιτο) this suggestion. It was sin that (But sin, αλλα η αμαρτια) "became death for me."That it might be shown

(ινα φανη). Final clause, ινα and second aorist passive subjunctive of φαινω, to show. The sinfulness of sin is revealed in its violations of God's law.By working death to me

(μο κατεργαζομενη θανατον). Present middle participle, as an incidental result.Might become exceedingly sinful

(γενητα καθ' υπερβολην αμαρτωλος). Second aorist middle subjunctive of γινομα with ινα in final clause. On καθ' υπερβολην, see on 1 Corinthians 12:31. Our hyperbole is the Greek υπερβολη. The excesses of sin reveal its real nature. Only then do some people get their eyes opened.

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Old Testament