While the husband liveth

(ζωντος του ανδρος). Genitive absolute of present active participle of ζαω.She shall be called

(χρηματισε). Future active indicative of χρηματιζω, old verb, to receive a name as in Acts 11:26, from χρημα, business, from χραομα, to use, then to give an oracle, etc.An adulteress

(μοιχαλις). Late word, in Plutarch, LXX. See on Matthew 12:39.If she be joined

(εαν γενητα). Third class condition, "if she come to."So that she is no adulteress

(του μη εινα αυτην μοιχαλιδα). It is a fact that του and the infinitive is used for result as we saw in Romans 1:24. Conceived result may explain the idiom here.

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Old Testament