Romans 8:1

THEREFORE NOW (αρα νυν). Two particles. Points back to the triumphant note in Romans 7:25 after the preceding despair.NO CONDEMNATION (ουδεν κατακριμα). As sinners we deserved condemnation in our unregenerate state in spite of the struggle. But God offers pardon "to those in Christ Jesus (τοις... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:2

THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE (ο νομος του πνευματος της ζωης). The principle or authority exercised by the Holy Spirit which bestows life and which rests "in Christ Jesus."MADE ME FREE (ηλευθερωσεν με). First aorist active indicative of the old verb ελευθεροω for which see Galatians 5:1. Aleph... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:3

THAT THE LAW COULD NOT DO (το αδυνατον του νομου). Literally, "the impossibility of the law" as shown in Romans 7:7-24, either nominative absolute or accusative of general reference. No syntactical connection with the rest of the sentence.IN THAT (εν ω). "Wherein."IT WAS WEAK (ησθενε). Imperf... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:4

THE ORDINANCE OF THE LAW (το δικαιωμα του νομου). "The requirement of the law."MIGHT BE FULFILLED (ινα πλερωθη). Purpose of the death of Christ by ινα and first aorist passive subjunctive of πληροω. Christ met it all in our stead (Romans 3:21-26).NOT AFTER THE FLESH, BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT (μη... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:5

DO MIND (φρονουσιν). Present active indicative of φρονεω, to think, to put the mind (φρην) on. See Matthew 16:23; Romans 12:16. For the contrast between σαρξ and πνευμα, see Galatians 5:16-24.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:6

THE MIND (το φρονημα). The bent or will of the flesh is death as shown in Romans 7:7-24.LIFE (ζωη). In contrast with "death."PEACE (ειρηνη). As seen in Romans 5:1-5.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:7

IS NOT SUBJECT (ουχ υποτασσετα). Present passive indicative of υποτασσω, late verb, military term for subjection to orders. Present tense here means continued insubordination.NEITHER INDEED CAN IT BE (ουδε γαρ δυνατα). "For it is not even able to do otherwise." This helpless state of the unrege... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:8

CANNOT PLEASE GOD (θεω αρεσα ου δυναντα). Because of the handicap of the lower self in bondage to sin. This does not mean that the sinner has no responsibility and cannot be saved. He is responsible and can be saved by the change of heart through the Holy Spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:9

NOT IN THE FLESH (ουκ εν σαρκ). Not sold under sin (Romans 7:14) any more.BUT IN THE SPIRIT (αλλα εν πνευματ). Probably, "in the Holy Spirit." It is not Pantheism or Buddhism that Paul here teaches, but the mystical union of the believer with Christ in the Holy Spirit.IF SO BE THAT (ειπερ). ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:10

THE BODY IS DEAD (το μεν σωμα νεκρον). Has the seeds of death in it and will die "because of sin."THE SPIRIT IS LIFE (το δε πνευμα ζωη). The redeemed human spirit. He uses ζωη (life) instead of ζωσα (living), "God-begotten, God-sustained life" (Denney), if Christ is in you.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:11

SHALL QUICKEN (ζωοποιησε). Future active indicative of ζωοποιεω, late verb from ζωοποιος, making alive. See on 1 Corinthians 15:22.THROUGH HIS SPIRIT (δια του πνευματος). B D L have δια το πνευμα (because of the Spirit). Both ideas are true, though the genitive is slightly more probably correct... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:12

WE ARE DEBTORS (οφειλετα εσμεν). See on Galatians 5:3; Romans 1:14.NOT TO THE FLESH (ου τη σαρκ). Negative ου goes with preceding verb and τη σαρκ, not with the infinitive του ζηιν.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:13

YE MUST DIE (μελλετε αποθνησκειν). Present indicative of μελλω, to be about to do and present active infinitive of αποθνησκω, to die. "Ye are on the point of dying." Eternal death.BY THE SPIRIT (πνευματ). Holy Spirit, instrumental case.YE SHALL LIVE (ζησεσθε). Future active indicative of ζαω.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:14

SONS OF GOD (υιο θεου). In the full sense of this term. In verse Romans 8:16 we have τεκνα θεου (children of God). Hence no great distinction can be drawn between υιος and τεκνον. The truth is that υιος is used in various ways in the New Testament. In the highest sense, not true of any one else, J... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:15

THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION (πνευμα υιοθεσιας). See on this term υιοθεσια, Galatians 4:5. Both Jews and Gentiles receive this "adoption" into the family of God with all its privileges. " WHEREBY WE CRY, ABBA, FATHER " (εν η κραζομεν Αββα ο πατηρ). See Galatians 4:6 for discussion of this double use of... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:16

THE SPIRIT HIMSELF (αυτο το πνευμα). The grammatical gender of πνευμα is neuter as here, but the Greek used also the natural gender as we do exclusively as in John 16:13 εκεινος (masculineHE ), το πνευμα (neuter). See also John 16:26 (ο--εκεινος). It is a grave mistake to use the neuter "it" or... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:17

JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST (συνκληρονομο Χριστου). A late rare double compound, in Philo, an Ephesian inscription of the imperial period (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 92), papyri of the Byzantine period. See Romans 8:29 for this idea expanded. Paul is fond of compounds of συν, three... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:18

TO US-WARD (εις ημας). We shall be included in the radiance of the coming glory which will put in the shadow the present sufferings. Precisely the same idiom here with μελλουσαν δοξαν (aorist passive infinitive of αποκαλυφθηνα) occurs in Galatians 3:23 with μελλουσαν πιστιν, which see.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:19

THE EARNEST EXPECTATION OF CREATION (η αποκαραδοκια της κτισεως). This substantive has so far been found nowhere save here and Philippians 1:20, though the verb αποκαραδοκεω is common in Polybius and Plutarch. Milligan (_Vocabulary_) thinks that Paul may have made the substantive from the verb. I... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:20

WAS SUBJECTED (υπεταγη). Second aorist passive indicative of υπατασσω (cf. verse Romans 8:7).TO VANITY (τη ματαιοτητ). Dative case. Rare and late word, common in LXX. From ματαιος, empty, vain. Ephesians 4:17; 2 Peter 2:18.NOT OF ITS OWN WILL (ουχ εκουσα). Common adjective, in N.T. only here... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:21

THE CREATION ITSELF (αυτη η κτισις). It is the hope of creation, not of the Creator. Nature "possesses in the feeling of her unmerited suffering a sort of presentiment of her future deliverance" (Godet).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:22

GROANETH AND TRAVAILETH IN PAIN (συνστεναζε κα συνωδινε). Two more compounds with συν. Both rare and both here alone in N.T. Nature is pictured in the pangs of childbirth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:23

THE FIRST FRUITS (την απαρχην). Old and common metaphor.OF THE SPIRIT (του πνευματος). The genitive of apposition. The Holy Spirit came on the great Pentecost and his blessings continue as seen in the "gifts" in Romans 8:1, in the moral and spiritual gifts of Galatians 5:22. And greater ones ar... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:24

FOR BY HOPE WERE WE SAVED (τη γαρ ελπιδ εσωθημεν). First aorist passive indicative of σωζω. The case of ελπιδ is not certain, the form being the same for locative, instrumental and dative. Curiously enough either makes good sense in this context: "We were saved in hope, by hope, for hope" (of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:26

HELPETH OUR INFIRMITY (συναντιλαμβανετα τη ασθενεια ημων). Present middle indicative of συναντιλαμβανομα, late and striking double compound (Diodorus, LXX, Josephus, frequent in inscriptions, Deissmann, _Light, etc._, p. 87), to lend a hand together with, at the same time with one. Only twice in... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:27

HE THAT SEARCHETH (ο εραυνων). God (1 Samuel 16:7).ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD (κατα θεον). See 2 Corinthians 7:9-11 for this phrase κατα θεον (according to God). The Holy Spirit is the "other Paraclete" (John 14:16) who pleads God's cause with us as Christ is our Paraclete with the Father (1... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:28

ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER (παντα συνεργε). A B have ο θεος as the subject of συνεργε (old verb, see on 1 Corinthians 16:16; 2 Corinthians 6:1). That is the idea anyhow. It is God who makes "all things work together" in our lives "for good" (εις αγαθον), ultimate good.ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE (κατ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:29

FOREKNEW (προεγνω). Second aorist active indicative of προγινωσκω, old verb as in Acts 26:5. See Psalms 1:6 (LXX) and Matthew 7:23. This fore-knowledge and choice is placed in eternity in Ephesians 1:4.HE FOREORDAINED (προωρισεν). First aorist active indicative of προοριζω, late verb to appoint... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:30

CALLED (εκαλεσεν)--JUSTIFIED (εδικαιωσεν)--GLORIFIED (εδοξασεν). All first aorist active indicatives of common verbs (καλεω, δικαιοω, δοξαζω). But the glorification is stated as already consummated (constative aorists, all of them), though still in the future in the fullest sense. "The step i... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:31

FOR THESE THINGS (προς ταυτα). From Romans 8:12 on Paul has made a triumphant presentation of the reasons for the certainty of final sanctification of the sons of God. He has reached the climax with glorification (εδοξασεν in verse Romans 8:30). But Paul lets the objector have his say as he usual... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:32

HE THAT (ος γε). "Who as much as this" (γε here magnifying the deed, intensive particle).SPARED NOT (ουκ εφεισατο). First aorist middle of φειδομα, old verb used about the offering of Isaac in Genesis 22:16. See Acts 20:29.ALSO WITH HIM (κα συν αυτω). The gift of "his own son" is the promise... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:33

WHO SHALL LAY ANYTHING TO THE CHARGE OF GOD'S ELECT? (τις εγκαλεσε κατα εκλεκτων θεου?). Future active indicative of εγκαλεω, old verb, to come forward as accuser (forensic term) in case in court, to impeach, as in Acts 19:40; Acts 23:29; Acts 26:2, the only N.T. examples. Satan is the great Accu... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:34

SHALL CONDEMN (κατακρινων). Can be either present active participle (condemns) or the future (shall condemn). It is a bold accuser who can face God with false charges or with true ones for that matter for we have an "Advocate" at God's Court (1 John 2:1), "who is at the right hand of God" (ος εστ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:35

SHALL SEPARATE (χωρισε). Future active of old verb χοριζω from adverb χωρις and that from χωρα, space. Can any one put a distance between Christ's love and us (objective genitive)? Can any one lead Christ to cease loving us? Such things do happen between husband and wife, alas. Paul changes the f... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:36

EVEN AS IT IS WRITTEN (καθως γεγραπτα). He quotes Psalms 44:23.WE ARE KILLED (θανατουμεθα). Present passive indicative of θανατοω for which see on Romans 7:4. Same idea of continuous martyrdom in 1 Corinthians 15:31.AS SHEEP FOR THE SLAUGHTER (ως προβατα σφαγης). Objective genitive (σφαγης).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:37

NAY (αλλα). On the contrary, we shall not be separated.WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS (υπερνικωμεν). Late and rare compound. Here only in N.T. "We gain a surpassing victory through the one who loved us.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:38

FOR I AM PERSUADED (πεπεισμα γαρ). Perfect passive participle of πειθω, "I stand convinced." The items mentioned are those that people dread (life, death, supernatural powers, above, below, any creature to cover any omissions).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:39

TO SEPARATE US (ημας χωρισα). Aorist active infinitive of χοριζω (same verb as in Romans 8:35). God's love is victor over all possible foes, "God's love that is in Christ Jesus." Paul has reached the mountain top. He has really completed his great argument concerning the God-kind of righteousness... [ Continue Reading ]

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