_Exhortation to Sobriety and Watchfulness, founded in the Suddenness
of the Lord's Coming, and on their Character as Children of Light._
Having spoken so definitely of the Lord's coming, Paul anticipates
that the Thessalonians will inquire the time of this great
consummation. He therefore reminds t... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:1. BUT OF THE TIMES END SEASONS. When our Lord spoke
to His disciples of the coming of the Son of man, they naturally felt
a desire to know when it should take place; and Paul, not without
reason, supposes that a similar desire may be stirring in the minds of
those to whom he has a... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:2. FOR YE YOURSELVES KNOW, and therefore do not need
to be reminded; this itself being, however, the most delicate and yet
most effectual reminder. Perfectly literally, with perfect accuracy;
and perfectly accurate knowledge on this point is, that there can be
no perfectly accurate... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:3. WHEN THEY SHALL SAY. When ‘unbelieving and
unthinking' men are persuading themselves that there is no cause for
apprehension, then destruction comes upon them suddenly.
AS TRAVAIL UPON HER THAT IS WITH CHILD. This is the usual expression
in Scripture for great anguish, but the... [ Continue Reading ]
DAY SHOULD OVERTAKE YOU AS A THIEF. There is nothing appalling to the
Christian, in the suddenness of the Lord's coming, for to those who
are waiting and longing for Him, He cannot come as a thief and find
them unprepared. The ful... [ Continue Reading ]
‘the children of this world' are those who wholly belong to it; as
‘the son of perdition' is the man of whom perdition is the most
striking feature, who is bound over to perdition, as that with which
he is identified; so ‘the chil... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:6. THEREFORE, LET US NOT SLEEP. There _is_ a conduct
appropriate to every position. Our position as children of light
implies a certain corresponding wakefulness. We are the children of
light because we live in Christ; it follows that we look and long for
His appearing, and do not... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:7. THEY THAT SLEEP, SLEEP IN THE NIGHT. Every man
has a natural shame of being found asleep in the day-time, no matter
what good excuse he has for it, however exhausted and unwell he may
be. If even nature thus teaches us to be ashamed of sleeping through
the hours God _gives_ us f... [ Continue Reading ]
exhortation to sobriety and watchfulness has suggested to him his
favourite image of the soldier, or here specially the sentinel, whose
commander may come at any moment, who is set between two ‘days'
looking back to one sudden ir... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:9. FOR. Paul shows the reasonableness of this hope.
GOD HATH NOT APPOINTED US TO WRATH. The truest parallel to this
expression is that of Peter (1 Peter 2:8), where he speaks of the
disobedience of the rejecters of Christ, and adds, ‘whereunto also
they were appointed,' set apart,... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:10. WHO DIED FOR US. How salvation is obtained
through Jesus Christ, Paul here explains. Christ died for our sake,
and especially to secure for us this grand advantage, viz. THAT
to the anxieties of the Thessalon... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:11. WHEREFORE. There being such good grounds for
hopefulness about the departed, comfort one another.
EDIFY. ‘From the frequent application of the term _house_ or
_temple_ to Christians collectively (as 1 Corinthians 3:16, _Know ye
not that ye are the temple of God?)_ and individ... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:12. The transition from the last paragraph to this
is easy. Having exhorted them to comfort one another, he naturally
passes on to inculcate the duty of attending to those whose special
work it was to instruct and edify them.
TO KNOW. ‘That is, _to appreciate,_ not to be unaware... [ Continue Reading ]
AS Paul's custom was, he concludes this Epistle with a number of
practical injunctions suitable to the circumstances of those to whom
he writes, and more or less connected with one another.... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:13. TO ESTEEM THEM VERY HIGHLY IN LOVE. There was
required not merely an outward deference and submission, but an
affectionate regard. Little good can be effected in a church in which
the ministers are neither respected nor loved. But this respect and
love must have a real object,... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:14. BRETHREN. The counsels of this verse are
addressed not to the ministers alone, nor to the people alone, but to
UNRULY. The connection would lead a reader to suppose that this
referred to those who rebelled against the authority of the elders or
presiding ecclesiastical o... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:15. SEE THAT NONE RENDER EVIL FOR EVIL. Ellicott
objects to the remark of Jowett, that ‘it is not strictly true to
say that Christianity alone or first forbade to return evil for evil.
Plato knew that it was not the true definition of justice to do harm
to one's enemies.' But there... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:16. REJOICE EVERMORE. ‘It is a scandalous
misprision, vulgarly admitted, concerning religion, that it is
altogether sullen and sour, requiring a dull, lumpish, morose kind of
life, barring all delight, all mirth, all good humour; whereas, on the
contrary, it alone is the never-fail... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:17. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. One of the Greek
commentators (Theophylact) remarks that the apostle now shows how we
may continually rejoice, viz. by continuing in prayer and
thanksgiving. We obey this precept when our prayers are not fitful and
intermittent, but steady and persistent;... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:18. IN EVERY THING GIVE THANKS. ‘For example, (1)
in the use of God's gifts: Acts 27:35, _He took bread and gave thanks
to God in presence of them all_ (2) In the enjoyment of social
converse: Acts 28:15, _whom when Paul saw, he thanked God and took
courage._ (3) In acknowledgment... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:19. QUENCH NOT THE SPIRIT. The Spirit being first
revealed as a cleansing fire and an enlightening flame, is spoken of
as being _extinguished,_ when His influence is resisted either by
sensual and worldly living, or ‘by a studied repression and
disregard of its manifestation, arisi... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:21. PROVE ALL THINGS. Neither in regard to these
manifestations of the Spirit's presence, nor in any matter, were they
to be led by prejudice and appearances and first impressions, but they
were to put things to the proof, to test them. Rules for doing so are
furnished by the Apost... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:23. THE GOD OF PEACE. A term occurring towards the
close of many of the Epistles see references. Perhaps the title varies
slightly in meaning according to the context in which it is found;
sometimes pointing rather to the inward peace which the all-seeing and
self-reliant God ever... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:24. FAITHFUL IS HE THAT CALLETH YOU. He hath called
you to holiness (chap. 1 Thessalonians 4:7), and He will enable you to
fulfil His call. He does not mock you; He is in earnest. He abideth
faithful; as surely pledged to make you holy as you are commanded to
become so. There is a... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:25. PRAY FOR US. The frequency with which Paul asks
the prayers of the churches is worthy of remark (Ephesians 6:19;
Colossians 4:3; and note on a Thess. 1 Thessalonians 3:1).... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:26. SALUTE ALL THE BRETHREN. To whom was this
addressed? Probably to the office-bearers of the church, to whom the
letter would be delivered; although in the parallel passages (see
references) the members were to salute one another. But in this case
Paul sends his own salutation, w... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:27. I CHARGE YOU BY THE LORD. Why this vehemence of
adjuration? Was there a danger that the letter would not be read? No
better reason can be given than that Paul's affectionate anxiety for
the spiritual welfare of his converts broke out in this earnest
request that his counsels sh... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 5:28. THE GRACE. That is, the free favour, the
unmerited kindness. This is the usual closing benediction with which
Paul concludes his letters.... [ Continue Reading ]