2 Thessalonians 2:14. Whereunto. That is, to salvation through sanctification and faith.

He called you by our gospel. ‘Calling, in the phraseology of Paul, is not a mere invitation or exhortation addressed in the name of God to an individual, through the medium of an apostle or other messenger, and to which the man may or may not yield himself according to the feeling of the moment.... To this outward invitation there is added, as an invariable and essential element, a corresponding inward feeling produced directly by the contact of the soul with God. Calling, in Paul's sense, cannot fail or remain barren. In truth, calling and election are one and the same thing, with the one exception of the different epochs to which man always obliged to apply the measure of time to the operations of God necessarily assigns the two acts in question (Reuss, Theol. Chretienne, ii. 120).

The glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is, the glory which our Lord now enjoys, and of which all His people are to partake (see John 17:22-24).

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Old Testament