2 Thessalonians 2:8. And then. As soon as the restraining influence is removed.

The lawless one. That is, the Man of Sin above spoken of.

Whom the Lord Jesus shall destroy. ‘Before describing his appearance, the apostle, as it were by way of consolation to the Church, anticipates his destruction' (Jowett).

With the breath of his month. An expression denoting the ease with which omnipotence accomplishes its object. In Psalms 33:6 it is used of creative power, the hosts of heaven were made ‘by the breath of His mouth.' Comp. also Isaiah 11:4, ‘With the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked.'

With the manifestation of his coming. The word translated in the Authorised Version ‘brightness' means simply manifestation or appearance, as of an enemy's fleet coming in sight, or of gods making themselves visible to their worshippers, and points here therefore to the visible coming of Christ: His mere appearing will be sufficient to destroy His enemies.

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Old Testament