2 Timothy 3:6. Creep into houses. The whole verse paints the early phase of an evil which has reappeared but too frequently in the religious history of Christendom. Every word expresses the scorn with which the apostle looked on the clandestine practices of those who thus gained influence in families, and became, if not the founders of sects, at least the leaders of coteries.

Silly women. The English well expresses the force of the Greek diminutive, ‘ women-creatures.'

Laden with sins. The word gives the reason why such women fall easy victims to the Tartuffe of their time. They are oppressed with the burden of accumulated sins, and they follow any one who promises deliverance on easy terms, or drugs them with a spiritual anodyne.

Diverse lusts. As in the ‘youthful lusts' of 2 Timothy 2:22, the word, though it includes, is not limited to, sensual passion, but takes in, as the word ‘divers' implies, desires and caprices of every possible variety.

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Old Testament