Acts 13:31. And he was seen many days of them. This was the most convincing proof of the Messiah- ship of Jesus. It was a proof which the apostles in their preaching ever used with great power. With these first teachers of Christianity the resurrection of their crucified Master rested on no tradition, however well supported and attested, but on the testimony of many living men who had seen, and touched, and talked with the Lord Jesus after that He was risen from the dead.

Which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. This refers especially to those Galilean disciples who were with Him on His last journey to Jerusalem. Some of the holy women are here included, and many others whose names are not preserved. We know from Paul's letter to the Corinthians that there were over five hundred of these eye-witnesses of some part or other of the Lord's second life on earth (1 Corinthians 15:6).

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Old Testament