Acts 2:27. Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell. This was the Redeemer's sure confidence during the days of His earthly life. It may, if we will, be ours too; for after a little while the joyful resurrection of the Lord, of body as well as soul, will be the inheritance of all holy and humble men of heart. His soul was not to remain in the realm of the dead. Hell, the well-known English translation of ᾃδή ;, the Hebrew שׁ ְאול, is singularly unfortunate, as the word (Greek and Hebrew) simply means ‘the abode where the souls of the dead dwell' after body and soul are separated by death. In this realm will remain until the resurrection morning, the souls both of the righteous and the wicked though widely separate the one, however, dwelling in the regions of the blessed; the other, in those of the unhappy lost ones, waiting in fear for judgment.

Neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. The Beloved One of God was not to moulder in the grave, was not to share in that part of the curse of Adam which told man he should return to dust.

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Old Testament