Acts 3:25. Ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant. ‘Children' (υἱοί). ‘Children' in this sense is a very common expression in Hebrew thought. So in Matthew 8:12, we read of ‘the children of the kingdom;' in Luke 16:8, ‘children of the world' and ‘children of light.' They were children of the prophets, for the promise of their prophets was in the first instance to them (chap. Acts 2:39). They were children of the covenant as the heirs of Abraham, with whom God made a covenant when He chose him and his descendants for a peculiar people, and restricted the promised seed of the woman to his family, saying, ‘In thy seed (that is, in the Messiah) shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.' The last quotation is a free citation from the LXX. Genesis 22:18, where, instead of αἱ πατραι , the kindred, we find τὰ ἔθνη, the nations.

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Old Testament