Colossians 1:28. Whom we set forth, or, ‘announce,' not the word usually ‘rendered preach.' ‘We,' the preachers of the true gospel, in contrast with errorists, referring (as in Colossians 1:3; Colossians 1:9) to Timothy, but to others also.

Admonishing every man, etc. This indicates the manner of their declarations respecting Christ. Meyer regards ‘admonishing' and ‘teaching' as corresponding respectively with the injunctions to repent and believe. Other discriminations have been made, but this seems the best. Comp. chap. Colossians 3:16, where the words occur in reverse order.

In all wisdom; ‘in every form of wisdom.' Comp. Ephesians 1:8. The phrase may qualify both ‘teaching' and ‘admonishing,' since each requires ‘wisdom' as its characteristic element

That we may present (at the day of Christ's appearing) every men. ‘Notice the emphatic triple repetition of every man, showing that the Apostle was jealous of even the least invasion, on the part of the false teachers, of those souls with whom he was put in charge. At the same time it carries a solemn individual appeal to those thus warned and taught' (Alford).

Perfect in Christ. The reference is to sanctification, not to justification. This perfection is not in knowledge merely, but in life and character; it can exist only ‘in Christ.' The last phrase, so common in the Apostle's writings, does not necessarily suggest a contrast to the false methods of the heretical teachers. Notice the special care of souls implied here, an example for all preachers of the word.

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Old Testament