1. _Fellowship with the Exalted Christ the Motive for the New Life._
This section is closely joined in thought with what precedes; hence
some regard it as the conclusion of the polemical portion of the
Epistle. But it is better to take it as the beginning of the hortatory
part. Fellowship with the... [ Continue Reading ]
(1.) Fellowship with the Exalted Christ the motive for the new life;
Colossians 3:1-4. (Transitive paragraph.)
(2.) General exhortations; Colossians 3:5-17. (Negative, Colossians
3:5-11; and positive, Colossians 3... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:1. If, as in chap. Colossians 2:20, sets forth a fact,
since then deduces an inference. The same fact has been presented in
chap. Colossians 2:12.
WERE RAISED TOGETHER; the passive implies God's agency, which is not
suggested by the E. V. (‘be risen'). The past tense points to the
time... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:2. SET YOUR MIND (not, ‘affection'), etc. ‘Seek'
pointed to the outward conduct, this carries the injunction to the
inward thought and controlling desire. Lightfoot: ‘You must not only
_seek_ heaven; you must also _think_ heaven.'
THE THINGS THAT ARE ON THE EARTH. Comp. Philippians 3:1... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:4. WHEN CHRIST, WHO IS OUR LIFE. The evidence in favor of
the reading ‘your' is strong (including that of Aleph, C, the best
cursives, and the Vulgate), but is scarcely decisive against the
Vatican manuscript and other weighty authorities. ‘Your' might have
been taken from the preceding... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:5. PUT TO DEATH. The term is stronger than that usually
thus rendered; but ‘mortify' is misleading, and ‘make dead' is
awkward. Kill once for all, is the thought of the original, and the
command is an inference, THEREFORE, from Colossians 3:1; Colossians
YOUR MEMBERS. This distri... [ Continue Reading ]
2. _General Exhortations_.
We find here, though in much briefer form, substantially the same
exhortations contained in Ephesians 4:17 to Ephesians 5:21. The
section may be thus divided:
(1.) Negative precepts, answering to the fact that they died with
Christ (Colossians 3:5-11), concerning earthly... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:6. FOR WHICH THINGS' SAKE; ‘on account of which sins;'
THE WRATH OF GOD COMETH, etc. Comp. Ephesians 5:6. The clause: ON THE
SONS (not, ‘children') OF DISOBEDIENCE is not found in the Vatican
manuscript, and some versions omit it. The suspicion of an insertion
from Ephesians 5:6 is agai... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:7. AMONG WHOM, or, ‘in which.' The former rendering is
preferable, if the longer reading be retained in Colossians 3:6: among
these sons of disobedience. Comp. Ephesians 2:2-3, where similar
expressions occur, and the same general thought ‘In which' would
point to the sins enumerated (C... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:8. BUT NOW, in contrast with ‘once' (Colossians 3:7),
ye also, as well as other Christians, put off, as garments are put off
(not the same word as in Colossians 3:9, but found in Ephesians 4:22;
Ephesians 4:25), all these, ‘the whole of them,' including the sins
named in Colossians 3:5,... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:9. LIE NOT ONE TO ANOTHER. Comp. Ephesians 4:25. The
practice of lying is referred to.
SEEING THAT YE HAVE PUT OFF, etc. This participle (‘having put
off') and that in Colossians 3:10 give the motive for the preceding
precepts, pointing to a single act (once for all) which occurred in... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:10. AND HAVE PUT ON THE NEW MAN. This is coincident in
time with the ‘putting off,' but in the workings of grace ‘the
initiative is with the new man and in virtue of the Divine power
creating him' (Braune). ‘New' is here, young, fresh; in Ephesians
4:24 the idea is that of newness. But... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:11. WHERE, in the region of the new creation, in contrast
with that in which the old man dwelt, there is not (‘not only does
the distinction not exist, but it _cannot_ exist;' Lightfoot) GREEK
AND JEW, no division as respects nationality, CIRCUMCISION AND
UNCIRCUMCISION, AS respects rel... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:12. PUT ON THEREFORE. Thus the positive precepts are
introduced; ‘therefore' points to Colossians 3:10. ‘For although
the putting on of the new man as a fact, _has_ historically occurred
through the conversion to Christ, yet it has, according to the nature
of the new man, its continued... [ Continue Reading ]
pronouns are different, as in Ephesians 4:32; the latter marking more
strongly the relation of Christians as members of Christ. On
‘forbearing,' see Ephesians 4:2.
If (as is probable) a NY MAN HAVE A COMPLAINT (a cause of blame)... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:14. AND (or, ‘but;' the same being slightly in contrast
with what precedes) ABOVE ILL THESE THINGS. Not simply ‘in addition
to,' nor ‘above all,' in the colloquial sense, but ‘over' as one
puts on an outer garment or girdle, this figure being still in mind.
Hence the E. V. properly supp... [ Continue Reading ]
word ‘rule' is more exactly: ‘act as umpire,' a figure borrowed
from the Grecian games. In Philippians 4:7, ‘the peace of God'
occurs, and this passage was probably altered to conform. The idea is,
however, substantially the same.... [ Continue Reading ]
ancient authorities vary here; but ‘Christ' is well sustained.)
‘The word of Christ' is the word which Christ has spoken, or caused
to be proclaimed. For us the record of this ‘word' is in the New
Testament ‘In you,' not, ‘among... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:17. AND WHATSOEVER YE DO, etc. This verse may be regarded
as summing up all the preceding exhortations, or as a third
manifestation of the indwelling of the word of Christ, or, better
still, as an advance in thought: not only let His word dwell in you,
but let your whole conduct find in... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:18. WIVES, SUBMIT YOURSELVES, etc. (The word ‘own' is
to be omitted; it was inserted to conform with the parallel passage.)
Comp. the similar exhortation, with the basis of it, in Ephesians
5:22-24: ‘The husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the
Head of the Church.' The Bib... [ Continue Reading ]
3. _Special Precepts as to Household Relations._
This section agrees, not only in outline, but in detail, with the
corresponding passage in Ephesians. The arrangement is identical, the
precepts and motives in the main the same. Here, however, the relation
of wife and husband is not enlarged upon, a... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:19. HUSBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES. (The word ‘your' is
supplied several times in this section; it represents the Greek
article with its possessive force; hence the italics of the E. V. are
unnecessary.) ‘Even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave
Himself for it' (Ephesians 5:25). This e... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:20. CHILDREN, OBEY YOUR PARENTS. ‘ Obey' is stronger
than ‘submit' (Colossians 3:18); the wife is to be consulted, her
wishes considered; but children should ‘obey.' whether they know the
reasons for the command or not. In their earliest years children learn
respecting God from their re... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:21. FATHERS; as representing the ultimate household
authority, and hence as especially needing this caution.
PROVOKE NOT YOUR CHILDREN; or, ‘do not irritate your children.'
‘To anger' is an unnecessary addition; the term used in Ephesians is
different. Severe, unjust, capricious treat... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:22. SERVANTS, lit., ‘bondmen,' slaves. See Ephesians
In all things. Peculiar to this passage. Here, as in Colossians 3:20,
it states the general rule; the limitations arise from the
modifications of the relation, but chiefly from the superior commands
of God.
HASTEN ACCORDING... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:23. WHATSOEVER, however small, ye do, in this relation,
WORK FROM THE HEART ‘Do it' is inexact; the same word is not
repeated. ‘From the heart,' or, ‘soul,' is equivalent to
‘heartily,' but should be rendered in correspondence with Ephesians
6:6. ‘With good heart, not from servile neces... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:24. KNOWING. Or, ‘seeing that ye know.' The motive
which has been alluded to through-out is plainly stated.
That from the Lord, _i.e.,_ from Christ, the true Master of the
YE SHALL RECEIVE THE RECOMPENSE. Not pay or reward, but that which is
a compensation for the present... [ Continue Reading ]
Colossians 3:25. FOR (so the best authorities) introduces a proof of
the preceding clause: either that they ought to serve Christ, or that
the service is Christ's, according to the view taken of that clause.
HE THAT DOETH WRONG, etc. The general principle is: ‘whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he... [ Continue Reading ]