Colossians 4:13. For I bear him witness. The Apostle confirms the message, as an attesting witness.

Hath much labor for you. ‘Zeal' is poorly supported, but was substituted for ‘labor, since the latter is an unusual word in the New Testament. It is in keeping with the previous figure (‘striving') and suggests the putting forth of energy, whether inward or outward. Here both are probably referred to. Some have thought that this verse was designed as an answer to those who might misinterpret the absence of Epaphras from his flock.

Them in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis. See Introduction, § 1. ‘Certainly Epaphras had labored also in these neighboring cities as founder of the churches, or at least as an eminent teacher' (Meyer). The same danger threatened these churches: comp. chap. Colossians 2:1.

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Old Testament