Ephesians 2:18. For through him. The truth of Ephesians 2:17 is proven from the effect of Christ's thus coming and preaching peace. ‘Through Him,' which is more than ‘through His blood,' is the emphatic phrase. Only through the mediation of this Person, Jesus Christ,

We both, Jews and Gentiles, have our access, lit.,' the access.' The primary sense of the word is ‘introduction;' and some render it thus, both here and in Romans 5:2. The present tense (‘we have') points either to a continued freedom of ‘access,' or to the process going on as each one obtains this ‘introduction.' The former seems more appropriate.

In one Spirit, i.e. , in the fellowship of the one Holy Spirit. Neither the human frame of mind nor the human spirit can be meant; and ‘in ‘is not to be weakened into ‘through.'

Unto the Father. The prepositions are aptly chosen, to discriminate the respective economical relations of the Persons of the Godhead in our salvation. The end is the glory of the Father, unto whom we are brought through Christ in the fellowship of the Holy Ghost.

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Old Testament