Ephesians 2:22. In whom. Either parallel to ‘in whom' at the beginning of Ephesians 2:21, certainly not to ‘temple,' or more naturally referring to ‘Lord.' Ye also, as included in the previous declaration (Ephesians 2:19-21).

Are being builded together, as a continuous process. The verb is slightly different from that in Ephesians 2:20, referring not to the superstructure, but the construction, to the compacting of the parts.

For a habitation of God. The word translated ‘habitation' occurs only here and in Revelation 17:2. It answers to temple in Ephesians 2:21, since in the truest sense the church, as the mystical body of Christ, is the temple of God.

In the Spirit, i.e., the Holy Spirit, not the human spirit, nor ‘spiritually;' nor yet ‘through the Spirit,' but in the fellowship of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Some join it with the verb, with an instrumental sense, but, as in Ephesians 2:21 (‘in the Lord'), the phrase further defines ‘a habitation of God.' Alford: ‘Thus we have the true temple of the Father, built in the Son, inhabited in the Spirit; the offices of the Three blessed Persons being distinctly pointed out: God, the Father, in all His fulness, dwells in, fills the Church; that Church is constituted an holy Temple to Him in the Son, is inhabited by Him in the ever present indwelling of the Holy Spirit.'

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Old Testament