Ephesians 5:8. For. TO become partakers with those who indulge in these sins would be a relapse.

Ye were once; ‘were' is emphatic; it is past

Darkness; ‘not merely living or abiding in it (comp. Romans 2:19; 1 Thessalonians 5:4), but themselves actual and veritable darkness' (Ellicott).

But now are ye light in the Lord. More than ‘enlightened;' they have themselves become ‘light' (comp. Ephesians 5:13), and that ‘in fellowship with the Lord,' the source of light and life to men. The word ‘light' is ‘a comprehensive designation of the Divine life and character, both ethical and intellectual in its meaning, in contrast with darkness' (Braune). Comp. marginal references.

Walk as children of light; let your conduct correspond with what you, by grace, have become. Christian exhortation always has this tone.

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Old Testament