Ephesians 6:13. Wherefore. Against such superhuman foes we need not only Divine strength (‘in the Lord') but Divine equipment, defensive and offensive.

Take up. A technical term, used of taking armor in order to put it on.

The whole armour of God; see Ephesians 6:11, and below.

That, in order that, ye may be aide to withstand, a more vivacious expression than that of Ephesians 6:11, as if the assault had begun.

In the evil day. ‘ The war is perpetual; the fight rages less on one day, more on another. It is the evil day, on the approach of death, or during life; longer or shorter, varying in itself, when the Evil One attacks us, and his malignant host infest us' (Bengel). More particular explanations seem open to objection.

Having accomplished all; whether of preparation or of conflict; not to be referred to one or to the other exclusively, not yet to the final victory an interpretation incompatible with the next phrase.

To stand, i.e., either to stand firm until the combat is over, or, to stand victorious after it is over. The former seems more accordant with usage.

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Old Testament