Galatians 4:31. Wherefore, brethren, we are not children of a (i.e., any) bondwoman, but of the freewoman. The pith of the typological illustration, Galatians 4:21 ff., and the final result of the whole discussion of the fourth chapter. The change of the definite and indefinite article (so often obliterated by the E. V.) is not without point. There are many bondwomen, false churches and sects, but only one freewoman, the lawful spouse of Christ, in whom all true believers are one. Some eminent commentators begin with this verse a new section, as expressing the theoretical preamble of the practical exhortation in chap. 5, thus: ‘Therefore, brethren, we are not children of a bondwoman (like the Jews), but of the freewoman; for (or, unto) freedom Christ hath made us free: ‘stand fast, therefore,' etc. (So Meyer.)

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Old Testament