Galatians 5:3. N ay, I testify again to every man that is circumcised (suffers himself to be circumcised), that he is a debtor to do the whole law. Circumcision is an initiatory rite by which the person circumcised becomes a Jew, and assumes the solemn obligation to keep the whole law of Moses, moral and ritual; just as the baptismal vow is a pledge of obedience to the gospel of Christ. The sacramental rite implies all the responsibilities and duties as well as privileges of membership. ‘I testify,' I bear witness, I solemnly assert as in court (In classical Greek the verb usually means to summon as a witness, to call to witness.) ‘Again' refers to ‘I say' in Galatians 5:2 . ‘ To every man,' without exception, stronger than the preceding general ‘ye.'

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Old Testament