Hebrews 1:3. The brightness the effulgence of the divine glory, with allusion probably to the visible glory of the Shekinah over the mercy-seat, though the meaning is deeper. ‘Light of (i.e emanating from Him who is the) light.'

The express image, the impress or stamp wherein and whereby the divine essence is made manifest: and all this He is in His own nature, so the Greek implies (‘being,' comp. John 1:1), not that He became so by incarnation. ‘Image of his person ' is not felicitous. The earlier rendering, substance (Tyndale, essence or nature), is more accurate.

And bearing, upholding and directing all things by the word, the fiat of His power, when (rather after) he had made purification of sins, i.e had atoned for them, sat down, etc.

What higher honour can be given to our Lord? He is the glory the love and holiness of God made visible; the very essence, the nature of the Father in loving embodiment. He therefore that has the Son has the Father also.

Note that God not only acted in creating all things; He acts still in upholding them. A creation regulated by dead law alone is not Scripture teaching (see Acts 17:24-25, He is giving to all life and all things, Acts 17:27-28). And it is in and through Christ this is done.

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Old Testament