Hebrews 2:4. God also bearing them witness, i.e God bearing witness with them to the Gospel they preached, confirming their word by the signs that followed (Mark 16:20).

With signs, wonders, and miracles. This is the threefold division of the miraculous acts which prove the superhuman mission of those who work them. As ‘miracles' (δυνάμεις), they display Divine power; as ‘wonders,' they excite surprise; as ‘signs' (St. John's usual word), they supply evidence which remains after the sensuous excitement of miraculous power has passed away evidence which is the usual proof and accompaniment of a divine revelation (2 Corinthians 12:12).

The gifts of the Holy Ghost are illustrated in their diversity (to one man one gift; to another, another) in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, God Himself distributing them (as in First Corinthians it is the Holy Ghost who is said to distribute them) according to His own will.

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Old Testament