Hebrews 6:20. Whither as forerunner Jesus has entered for as, having become after the order of Melchisedec a High Priest for ever. ‘As forerunner' (not ‘the,' and not ‘a' forerunner, as if He were one of several. This absence of the article simply calls attention to the nature and purpose of His entrance). ‘Forerunner' occupies the prominent place also in the sentence. The Levitical high priest entered the Holy of Holies on behalf of the people, as Christ also entered into the Holiest of all. Here He appears in a new character. He is now gone to prepare a place for us; we are to follow and to share His glory and His throne. The ‘priest for ever' of the Psalm is now changed into ‘high priest,' a title made appropriate by the fact that it is not into the holy place simply, but into the immediate presence of God, He is gone.

After the order of Melchisedec occupies the emphatic place in the verse, for it is the subject to which he is about to return. Here, therefore, the digression ends.

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Old Testament