Hebrews 7:25. Whence, i.e from the fact that He lives it follows the particle being generally used to introduce something of deeper significance.

He is able also to save (in its completest sense, not from this evil or the other, but from all evil) to the uttermost (not to save for ever, but, as the word properly means (see Bleek), to completeness in every respect, and not chiefly with respect to duration) all that approach through him to God, ever living as he does, a fuller explanation of the ‘whence' at the beginning of the verse, to undertake for them. The word rendered ‘undertake' means primarily ‘to see' or ‘meet in with a person on behalf of another,' and so includes all that Christ does for us, either by His perpetual oblation in heaven, or by His mediation generally and kingship as Head over all. This mediation is of the very essence of the work of Christ so far as His priestly office is concerned, and is the ground of the triumphant outburst of St. Paul when he concludes that none can condemn, seeing that Christ who died is now risen, and is making continual intercession on our behalf. Its foundation of right is His atoning sacrifice; its central motive is the love He bears us; its method of procedure, the advocacy of our interests, and the intimation of His will that the blessings we need be bestowed; and its fruit the maintenance of our relation to God, and our perseverance in holiness.

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Old Testament