Hebrews 9:27-28. And there can be no second dying, and so no second offering of Himself unto God. Such an arrangement would be against all analogy and all experience. Since man as such can die but once, so must it be with the Christ also: for in all things He is made like unto His brethren. And as it is the judgment which awaits all men beyond the grave, so there is no second self-offering of Christ between the First Advent and the Second. As human life with all its works comes to an end in death, and only judgment remains; so the atonement of Christ is complete, and nothing remains but for Him to return and judge. But no; the writer does not care to end so. He shall appear to them that wait for Him, unto complete salvation.

All here is still in contrast. When the high priest returned from the Holy of Holies after having made atonement there, he made a second atonement in his priestly robes for himself and his people (Leviticus 16:24), ‘for the sins of his most holy things.' When Christ appears coming forth from His holy place, He will appear without sin, and therefore without a sin-offering, and completing the blessedness of those He has redeemed!

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Old Testament